The Order of Abijah

The priestly order of Abijah to which Zacharias belonged originated with King David and his desire to build a Temple for the Most High God in Jerusalem. Not permitted to do so because he was a man of war who had shed much blood, David did the next best thing: He prepared for it with all his might (1 Chr. 29:1–5).

He gathered building materials, precious stones, gold, silver, and bronze in abundance to make his son Solomon’s task easier, since the new king was young and inexperienced. David gave Solomon all the plans for the Temple—“the plans for all that he had by the Spirit”—including “the division of the priests and the Levites, for all the work of the service of the house of the Lᴏʀᴅ” (28:12–13).

Previously the priests and Levites worked with the Tabernacle, which was a much smaller, portable house of worship. The Temple would be substantially larger and permanent, with stationary furniture.

Those Levites who were not physical descendants of Moses’ brother Aaron, Israel’s first high priest, had the unique responsibility of ministering “over the tabernacle of the Testimony, over all its furnishings, and over all things that belong to it” (Num. 1:50).

David divided the descendants of Levi into smaller divisions so that each family would have an equal opportunity to minister. Likewise, the priests were also divided. There were 24 divisions, which allowed each division, or order, to serve for two weeks each year (1 Chr. 24:4-6).1 The order of Abijah was the eighth order (v. 10).

The fact that the order of Abijah used lots to determine where one would minister indicates there must have been more priests than avenues of service. God’s people often used lots (Hebrew, purim) to discern His will and direction (Acts 1:26).

How amazing it is today that we have so many avenues available to encourage, teach, lead, and serve the Lord. Yet it often seems that, unlike the priests of old, so few actually desire to step up and minister.

  1. Charles C. Ryrie, The Ryrie Study Bible, expanded ed. (Chicago: Moody Press, 1995), 659 n. 1 Chronicles 24:4.

26 thoughts on “The Order of Abijah

  1. Do we know where the priests lived in the land? Did the divisions live together or were they scattered? I am trying to determine where Zacharias and Elizabeth lived to confirm or disprove that the reason John lived in the desert was because he also had to flee Herod like Jesus did.

  2. When (what date in history) did the division of Abidjah serve in the Temple, when Zachariah’s was performing his priestly service before God? I am researching the date of the birth of Christ.

  3. In 2018, I spent considerable time researching this for an article for the Associates for Biblical Research ministry. The resulting article, “Pinpointing the Date of Christ’s Birth,” was posted at

    It uses the known date of Jehoiarib’s service on Av 9, AD 70 when the Romans destroyed the Temple (Talmud Taanit 29a,, and traces the priestly service cycles back in time to arrive at options for the service of Abijah when Zacharias was on duty. After weighing different options laid out in the article, I concluded that Zacharias was on duty from midday Heshvan 25 through midday Kislev 3, 8 BC (November 29-December 6); John was conceived, after the niddah period, during the week of December 13-20, 8 BC; Christ was conceived six months later; John was born on Tishri 1, 7 BC (Rosh Hashanah); and Jesus was born six months afterwards, on Nisan 1, 6 BC (March 20). The article ties in this timetable with the 70 Weeks prophecy in Daniel 9:24-27. As a result, the Crucifixion is placed at Passover in AD 30.

  4. what time of year or month on the hebrew calender did the order of abijah occur . was it a two week period with a time of cleansing afterward. thank you.

    1. As Marvin pointed out, the count starts at Rosh Hoshannah. 15 days later came Sukkot a.k.a Tabernacles a.k.a Booths. Old man Zech’s service would have been weeks 15 and 16 following. Week 17 would have been the conception of John the Baptist. HS begat Yeshua after Elizabeth hid her pregnancy for 5 months. One could claim that the Light of the World was born during the Festival of Lights. One could also claim that Yeshua came to tabernacle with us in the flesh on Sukkot. I’m not clear enough on Scriptural indicators to know how long Mary’s pregnancy lasted, but the timeline in Luke 1 makes conception during Hanukkah and birth during Sukkot is highly likely.

  5. Yes to the above 👆but are you aware “that day and hour no one know” is a Hebrew idiom for Rosh Hashana (Feast of Trumpets) due to that festival’s uniqueness in that it began on the New Moon which is difficult to determine. FYI It was also known as the Feast of Lightening that Shines from East to West. Therefore Messiah’s disciples knew exactly what HE meant. Blessings

  6. 36 “But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only.” Matthew 24:36

    A very astute bible teacher once predicted Christ return which was supossed to be on 05/21/2011. I wish he was correct but he like most did not take heed to that one scripture. No one knows the hour or the day but God.

    1 Thessalonians 5:2
    For you yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so comes as a thief in the night.

    2 Peter 3:10
    But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat; both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up.

    And besides, thieves do not anounce themselves. They come at you unawares and only they and God knows when they will show up. So, until Christ returns be not weary in doing good. Keep oil in your lamp and your wicks trimed. “Come Lord Jesus, come quickly”.

  7. We know that Yohannon the Baptist and Yahushua Ha-Moshiach (Jesus of Nazareth) were born at that time too. Mary and Elizabeth being their blessed mothers. (5th age female rival)… But other than that what a great thing to have so many priests (That were not pedos) and doing actual ministry for Yahua-God! Wow what an amazing time that must have been! All that said, Yahushua will be back in about seven years and three months, just saying that I know the season, believe it or not, but you’ll sure be fast to believe Ripley’s museums right? Yahua bless us all (With precisely what it is that we all deserve, repent!)

    1. date setting is for Gods moadim and surely he told us in scripture, no idea when youbwrote this but the day hour is stated in scripture, i believe we need another cpl signs to be sure but i dont doubt that God leaves us unaware.

      he told the deciples

      1. We see that prophecy is fulfilling daily..Christ soon will come..just like when He was born the world was ready but chose not to accept Him as the Messiah..because they refuse to accept Him as the Son of God and Son of Man..The times are ready according to the happenings in the world.. but the people of God must keep their focus on that which is eternal..

  8. Abijah was serving at their appointed time.
    This sets the date of John’s birth and Jesus’s birth.

    Zechariah drew the lot to burn incense, a type of our prayers that go up to God. It was a once only in a lifetime honor.
    The Priests would stand in a circle, a number would be chosen by one and the first person to begin counting with by another.
    They would count off one by one and stop at the number. The Priest who “drew the lot” would then have the honor and never again be included in the counting down.

    1. Hello, I’m very familiar with Luke 1-2 and I know when Christ was actually born. Zacharias was in the Temple serving his 8th course of Abijah in the month of June. And when you follow the timeline from there on it puts Jesus’s birth in the month of September. September 29th to be pretty close. I teach this all time to people. However, I’m looking for a book or any research documented showing the times of year for all courses or Lots served. Any help with this? I want to be able to show proof of Zacharias’ time in the temple.

      Thank you

      1. I’m researching what month Jesus was conceived. With that said it is determined on the 6th month of Elizabeths pregnancy. How do you know that the 8th course of Abijah fell in our month of June? This is what I am trying to find out in the scriptures. I believe that Jesus was probably born in September but just want to verify it. Let me know where you came to this conclusion.

  9. Is there any information to show how the priests treated the years that had 13 months. Did they just start from the beginning or in some other way fill in those 4 weeks of the extra month so that the order of priest would start with the divisions of Jehoiarib in the first week of the each year?

    1. 1. [on the first {day} in {the week of} Jedaiah {which falls} on the tw]elfth in it {the seventh month}. On the second {day} in {the week of} Abiah {which falls} on the twenty- f[ifth in the eighth {month} (Oct/Nov); and duqah {is} on the third] {day} According to the Preistly order in the dead sea scrolls from the sons of Zadok in their calendar. John was an Essene and was on a solar calendar putting Elizabeth had concieved in the Gregorian calendar End of Dec to Jan and 6 months puts us in June/July for Miriam to concieve. Its believed Shavuot was the day, same day Isaac was offered up.

  10. I listen to Luke almost every night when I go to sleep. I love Luke. I had always questioned what was the order of Adijah. Thank for explaining it. David made sure everyone had a job, I like that. So much beautiful tradition. Abba bless you in Yashua name

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