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Thanks for opening my understanding of Revelation 5
Could the first seal on the scroll be opened, read and events takes place and then there’s a second seal broken, read and takes place, etc.
I picture it as the second seal is not seen until the first one is read.
Yet many might see one scroll sealed with seven seals across the scroll. To read the scroll one would have to open all seven seals to open the scroll. Then read it.
What do you think?
Thank you very much for your explanations.
I was always afraid of the book of Revelation. Thanks for the information.
I want to know more about the scroll in revelation chapter 5&6
When the first seal is broken so that the scroll can be read – it appears that the first seal removes the restraining of the antichrist. Is this a parallel of 2 Thess 2:6-7 where the restraining of the man of lawlessness is removed so that he can be revealed? In that case, the restraint is the seal and the restraining seal is taken out of the way when Jesus breaks the seal.
Since prophecy is always past present and future.
The future will be when the first seal is opened.
What is the specific event that will bring about the opening of the first of the 7 seals.
I will answer the with the answer that I believe to be correct.
I believe that the event that will bring about the opening of the first seals will be the destruction of the city of Damascus in Jeremiah 49:23-27. We see the Lord of hosts as the Lion of the tribe of Judah. This same Lion is the Lamb in Revelation 6:1.
The rider on the white horse seems to be a personification along with the other riders. The restraint in 2Thes ,looking at the original greek, is a person who takes himself out of the way, a possible reference to the Holy Spirit? This is one reason to believe that the removal of the church aka rapture preceeds the revealing of the beast, since believers are sealed with the Holy Spirit.
I found this interesting.
I believe it is God who restrains by his Spirit.
There are numerous examples
Genesis 20:6 being one of them.
I believe there will come a time when sin will no longer be restricted much like we are seeing today
God bless
Excellent observation!