The Second Coming of Christ: Matthew 24:27–31

Towering over the efforts of mankind, the marvelous inventions that have made life comfortable, the grandiose plans of politicians, and any dreams we may have is the fact that Jesus Christ will come to the earth a second time. His return, although expected, will change the world and bring lasting peace to troubled people, but it will also bring judgment to the lost. His return will mark the climax

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9 thoughts on “The Second Coming of Christ: Matthew 24:27–31

  1. I believe we have to read the whole Bible in the context of Jesus as the promised seed so everyone who believe in Christ Jesus will be the promise people or the elect. (Galatian 3:16-29) Every Israel who become believer will also be included.

    So the elect to be collected at the second coming of Christ is not physical Israel but it will be the elect in Christ which is Spiritual Israel.

  2. (Almighty God,) I want to know about that because people says during the last days Lord Jesus would be God Almighty because we will be in the age of Kingdom (age of words)

  3. This indeed is the second coming and

    I’m glad the author distinguished it from the rapture!

    Because Jesus responded to the Jewish disciples before the church began and because Matthew was writing to Jewish people about their coming King, some conclusions can be drawn. First, Jesus’ answer had nothing to do with the church. Second, when the Rapture of the church occurs, Jesus will not come back to the earth, but believers will meet Him in the air. Matthew 24 definitely portrays the visible, bodily return of Christ to the earth to establish His long-awaited earthly Kingdom. He will return to be King of kings and Lord of lords.

  4. That if you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved.

    Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved!! 🙂

    Romans 10

  5. Are you saying there will be a rapture then the second coming is after the tribulations? But in Matthew 24 it talks about after the tribulations the dead in Christ and the one on earth will meet Him in the air. No one has been able to clear this.
    There is no rapture like the Pentecostal say. All happens on the last day, after the tribulations.

    1. You are sadly mistaken. What you are referring to is 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18. This talks about the dead in Christ, as well as the believers (including Christian Jews) who are still alive – being gathered up in the “blink of an eye” to meet Jesus in the air. Matthew 24 talks about the end of the tribulation, when Jesus comes down to Earth with “great power and glory”. This event will be seen by the entire world. The 144,000 evangelists from the 12 tribes of Israel are on the Earth and protected during the Great Tribulation because they are chosen to preach to the Jews that stayed behind and weren’t raptured. Immediately after the Great Tribulation, Jesus will come (with his saints, Jude 1:14-15) to gather the Jews that turned to him during the Great Tribulation. These are his Chosen, his Elect. This includes the 144,000 witnesses, and the jews that listened to the words of the 144,000, accepting Jesus as the Messiah. Please don’t misquote the Word of God. We are dealing with life and death here, and those that mislead others will be judged for their actions. Study the Bible and don’t be misled yourself.

  6. Verse 28 is fairly self-explanatory but it is one that gave me fits until one Sunday earlier this year. I was driving home after church one Sunday and that verse came into my mind. Several other passages also came to mind, namely Zechariah 14:4, 5, 12-15, Revelation 14:14-21 and 19:17, 18. In conjunction with this there were buzzards in the road eating fresh carrion. Irt was then the interpretation hit me and it took “roadkill” to solve it. Verse 28 is speaking of Armageddon and the great “supper” for the vultures and the birds. Fred’s explanation makes sense but in the context I think the reference is Armageddon and makes better sense

    1. Having read these inspiring teachings, i want to embrace Jesus Christ as my personal saviour and redeemer of my life. I believe in his water baptism, blood which he shed on the cross and His Holy spirit for my salvation. I thank God.

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