The Specter of Right-Wing Antisemitism

Tamara Berens fled her home in the United Kingdom for two reasons: (1) to escape the growing antisemitism there and (2) to join the American conservative movement she had long admired as welcoming to Jewish people like her. Berens came to the United States in 2019. At first, she was pleased by her reception among conservatives in Washington, DC, where, she said, “One of the main attitudes tha

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Why Do You Love Israel?

Picture this: A Jewish man who has embraced Jesus as his Messiah waves the flag of Israel and sings...

The Truth About Sin

The world is filled with iniquity. The evil we see overtaking the world today proves yet again the truth of Scripture: “The heart is deceitful...

Israel’s Reconciliation

Scripture places much emphasis on Israel’s reconciliation with God through faith in His promised Son. Beginning in Genesis 12, we see God working...

A Special Type of Fear

Most people fear something. Some fear heights, others fear wild animals, and others fear spiders or snakes or sharks. In Australia, where I live, you can experience...

The Great Forgiver

Corrie ten Boom couldn’t believe what she was seeing. It was 1947, two years after World War II had ended; and Corrie just finished talking to...

The Way Back to God

Few believers in Jesus Christ will deny that we have been swept up in a period of chaos and confusion that threatens the survival of our nation...

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