The Thessalonian Church

Acts 17:1–10 One of the apostle Paul’s most important ministries took place in Thessalonica. His letters to believers there show how he established churches early in his ministry, met with opposition, instructed new believers in doctrine, mentored Christians, and presented major themes on end-times prophecy. So, as we appear to be in the last days, it is especially important to study Pau

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17 thoughts on “The Thessalonian Church

  1. As I prepare for an upcoming Small Group meeting, your synopsis was extremely helpful and provided improved context and insight. I especially liked the section that put a crack in the certainty that Paul was with the Thessalonians for just three weeks. I’m not convinced yet, but always will be open to that possibility. However, the subject of “three weeks” perhaps is a distracting topic that only serves to cloud the real purpose of the message.

  2. Thank you for this well written and informative article on the Thessalonian church… I am being led to begin a single women’s ministry and was led by the Holy Ghost to study 1 Thessalonians with my ladies… this article has not only been informative but wonderfully set up to flow with the scriptures and in so helping me to format my study.. May the Lord bless you and keep you 🙏

  3. I have seen the estimated population of Thessolonica at 200,000 and more recently by researcher, Stark, based on more recent archeological evidence as 35,000. I can understand even such large variations.
    What I have not seen and am interested in is an estimation of the size of the Christian community that Paul writes to. Any help on that question would be appreciated.

  4. This is a very informative and helpful historical account of Paul and the establishment of the church at Thessalonica. Teaching strategies used to address the gospel of Christ to the Greeks, Romans and the Jews alike truly reflect and fulfill the desire of the Holy Spirit to establish the church in Thessalonica for the gospel of Christ to be taught and to encourage Christians to stand firm on their faith and to endure sufferings until Christ returns to punish the persecutors and the sinners, but save the righteous. Thank you for your work. You are blessed

  5. Some rather stern responses regarding another writing about Christ’s presence and miracles in this day. We might do well to put into context the situation. Indeed, we know Christ is not on the earth today, so Mr. Levy would certainly be right on that point. If He were, we would have the second coming, and He would have taken us up with Him. Do miracles happen every day? What we think of as miracles, yes. But are they coming through a physical being as was provided in the days of Christ on the earth, and His appointing such powers through the Holy Spirit to the Apostles? That is a stretch on the scriptures I suggest we do not choose to add. Rather, the blessings that we perceive as miracles are a gift from the Trinity as seen fit from above. Let us remember, attacking a brother as “sacreligious ” is quite harsh and out of what our character should represent. Let us be thankful we have the privilege of reflecting on His word and the author of this article’s word, and growing in our understanding. Respectfully submitted.

  6. This was a good resource for a presentation I’m giving to a group of teenage boys. I’m going to have them compare the church at Thessalonika to our church to see how we measure up.

    God Bless you!

  7. This article is a blessed resource as I am preparing a sermon on Paul’s work in the Thessalonian church. It is clear and well written. Thank you.
    I also recently read another article of yours where you stated that Jesus is not on earth performing miracles now. You might want to re-think that. He is performing miracles including our salvation through the Holy Spirit.
    Peace & God’s abundant blessings.

    1. I cannot see how anyone can say Jesus is not performing miracles on the earth today! That is sacreligious!! Every single day we see and experience His miracles and His work with us in our lives every day. Jesus is truly a God of miracles! Shame on those who dispute that! No wonder the state of our Christianity is where it us today and people are so broken and confused!

    2. Very well done, thank you. Jesus is not on earth at this time but He is returning soon. Miracles are happening all the time; God doesn’t have to be ‘on’ the Earth, He is omniciant and omnipresent, He and He alone is ‘Almighy’ God, nothing hinders, impedes or limits the Lord. He is faithful and unlimited. He is the one and only wonder working, miracle working God. His blessed Holy Spirit is with us, for us and in us. Praise the Lord and thank you Jesus. To God be all the glory.
      In His grip,

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