The Time of Jacob’s Trouble Matthew 24:15–31

In the Old Testament God foretold an unparalleled time of trouble, characterized by birth pangs but followed by the return of scattered Jews to their homeland to serve the Lord and live in peace under a Davidic king (Jer. 30:4–10). God called this period “the time of Jacob’s trouble” (v. 7). Centuries later Jesus described that identical time, also called the Great Tribulation, and told

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20 thoughts on “The Time of Jacob’s Trouble Matthew 24:15–31

  1. Why do you go Back and Forth between “Jews-Only,” and “All Flesh, Both Jews and Gentiles” ? Does Jacob’s Trouble affect the “Jews-Only,” or Does it Affect “All Flesh”? If Jacob’s Trouble is the “Distress of Those Days,” or the Great Tribulation, Does it Affect the “Jews-Only,” of “All Flesh”? You can’t have it both ways! Therefore, this Article is Misleading! Sincerely, Mike

  2. Doesn’t Jeremiah 30-31 speak about Israel’s returning from exile, that is, from the deportation to Babylon brought on by Nebuchadnezzar? This restoration has already happened over 2000 years ago. God indeed restored their fortunes, ultimately in Christ.

    The time of trouble would be the tremendous political upheaval that Israel would see from that time until they “gave birth to” Christ, see chapter 30 verses 5-7. The whole of the prophecy, all the way to the end of chapter 31, should be taken into account. That the passages speak directly to the birth of Christ and Israel establishment in Him are made clear in 31:15, where Jeremiah speaks for Yahweh, “A voice is hard in Ramah, Lamentation and bitter weeping. Rachel is weeping for her children; She refuses to be comforted for her children, Because they are no more.”

    That the above passage refers to the massacre of Jewish children under the reign of Herod at the time of Jesus is made clear by Matthew 2: 17-18, where we see from the Gospel account that the prophecy from Jeremiah was fulfilled.

    This whole passage is about mercy shown to Israel in the coming of Christ, wherein God would, “make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the House of Judah.” Although they had broke the former covenant, he would write His commands on their hearts and put His law within them. He would make His laws a part of who they would become in His Son. v. 34, “for I will forgive their iniquity, and their sin I will remember no more.” The writer to the Hebrews picks up on this in Hebrews chapter 10: 11-20. Here it is clear that the Scriptures see this very passage fulfilled in the new covenant of faith in Christ, wherein we all find our eternal life.

    Be assured, this passage, from Chapter 30 all the way until the end of 31, is about the coming of Christ the first time – what the Father would accomplish through His Anointed One. Don’t miss Christ in this passage…that’s what it’s all about!

  3. Thank you so much for doing the study to lay out such a concise and informative article. Very helpful as I try to keep events in order. God bless you.

  4. Good evening to you: This is such a great article. how can I use this as a part of my teaching on revelation? Can I use some or all to help my congregation understanding the topic of Jacob trouble?
    I would be grateful for your permission.

    1. Jesus said “the end shall come” and he was referring to the end of the age of grace. If you are left behind, you are damned according to Jesus’s parable of the five wise and five unwise virgins. Watch and pray. Luke 21:36 KJV
      Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.

      1 Thessalonians 5:9 KJV
      For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ,

    2. you need to flee to Israel during the time they are preparing the vaccination
      any vaccination will lead to the adomination. of desolation

      the jews are anyone who accepts Jesus Christ. don’t let these evil people steal your birth right

    3. The entire passage is speaking of the Lord’s 2nd coming, as believers have already been raptured out. So when you ask, “What shall be OUR participation”, you won’t be here.

      1. I totally agree with you Kevin. The dead in Christ will rise 1st. Than we who are alive will be caught up…
        Also read and understand 2 Thessalonians 2:7. The restrainer is the Holy Spirit who lives in all believers the church, body of Christ., the Bride.. just will not let anything happen to His bride !!! Ephesians 1:3 the promise of our inheritance…

    4. The ones who put there trust in Jesus, who believe the Gospel will be raptured before the time of Jacob trouble,
      2 Thessalonians 2:7-.. “for the mystery of lawlessness is already at work, only He who now restrains will do so till He is taken out of the way.” I believe the restrainer is the Holy Spirit. Every believer has the Holy Spirit inside them. Until the church is taken out of the way. The Antichrist cannot come on the seen. ( Holy Spirit is the Restrainer)
      8. “Than the lawless one will be revealed, whom THE LORD will consume with the breath of His mouth and will destroy with the brightness of His coming.”

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