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Wanting to be like everyone else often comes with a price. And sometimes, as this article shows, it’s too high to pay.
Today Zionism has become a dirty word. Yet if any people should be Zionists, it should be Christians. Here’s why.
A new movement is afoot to strip Israel of its Jewish identity. And, remarkably, the people propelling it are Jewish.
Eastern beliefs are infiltrating Christendom and moving it toward a one-world philosophy, the tenets of which may shock you.
Wanting to be more “accepting” of the world, professing Christians are turning away from biblical truth. Here’s a look at the sad downward spiral.
Majority of those who have some Jewishness left as they and their families assimilate in America are J Street Jews who dominate the Democratic party. Their support for an impossible two state solution and another Arab Palestinian state, they oppose so called occupation, oppose settlements and Jewish immigration to Israel. They despise the Abraham Accords, Trump, Kushner, Bennet, and “Bibi” and their support for a Jewish homeland.
Bottom line is that Israeli’s, no matter what they politicize, recognize America led by Biden, Kerry, and J Street Jews will not come to their rescue when Israel is in danger of demise. Note the Polls never ask the question?