Understanding the Olivet Discourse

Jesus’ instruction to His disciples from the Mount of Olives (Mount Olivet, giving it the name the Olivet Discourse) appears in Matthew 24—25; Mark 13; and Luke 17:20–37. It is one of the Bible’s most important texts because it not only provides the Lord’s final discourse but also His most extensive prophetic teaching. It reveals His interpretation of crucial Old Testament prophetic p

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13 thoughts on “Understanding the Olivet Discourse

  1. How then do we reconcile the writings of Josephus, Yosippon, Hegesippus, and Tacitus? They clearly describe chariots with soldiers on horses and fire in the clouds. That seems like the writing of Christs return. Was that only for Jerusalem and we will see a different coming of Christ?

  2. The end time message is already underway. Where and how this message would be composed and distributed, and by whom, is well attested by the major prophets.

  3. The Gospel of Grace came about because the Gospel of the Kingdom where Jesus Christ was
    proclaimed to be the Messiah, was rejected by the Jews. What do you think would have happened
    had Israel accepted Christ as the Son of God and Messiah at the time He presented Himself to them?
    (which is what will happen during the 70th week of Daniel) It would have ushered in the Kingdom
    age then and there. Until Christ was crucified, died and resurrected, there could be no age of grace.
    For it is by Grace you have been saved and that not of yourself lest any man boast. The Kingdom
    of the 1000 year rule of Christ on Earth is when the Jewish concept of the Kingdom age comes to

  4. When I study Matthew 24 and 25 the church is not mentioned at all. It’s because is about the Nation of Israel, when the Gospel of the Kingdom is talked about, it the same Gospel of our salvation, 1corinthians 15:1-4…
    However it’s the time of Jacob‘s trouble, 7 years of tribulations, the Gospel of the Kingdom is the gospel to the Nation of Israel will be preached at the end times, because Israel will be saved … Jeremiah….the Kingdom the 1000 year reign when Jesus will be on earth. Just at the end of Matthew 23, Jesus is saying o Israel how I wanted to gather you like a mother hen gathers her chicks, BUT YOU ( ISRAEL) were un willing ( 1st. Advent) . Reader pay attention….I wold recommend a pastor Andy Woods. On this subject you can YouTube.

  5. I am a missionary pastor who is presently preaching through the Olivet Discourse and found this article as part of my research. Per the website, I can understand the Jewish perspective. However, distinguishing the “Gospel of the Kingdom” from the “Gospel of Grace” is only conjecture. Nowhere in the scriptures is there evidence of any division here. Going to all the world to preach the Gospel, commanded by Christ to the disciples and by extension to all believers, is what is “hastening the coming of Christ”. Once this takes place, then the end will come. There is only ONE Gospel and it is the Power of God for Salvation to everyone who believes.

    1. Well said! I’m in total agreement.
      There is only one Gospel. I love how Paul tells us what exactly is the Gospel of our salvation. 1 Corinthians 15:1-4. Ephesians 1:13-14..
      Verses Acts 3:19 repent ( change of mind, from unbelief to believe on the lord Jesus) and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, so that the times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord. This is my understanding of repent, some how the word repent got changed from the original Greek to mean do a one eighty, feel sorry or confess your sins. Everything in context. Like in Luke Jesus told the Pharisees repent or you likewise will perish…

  6. Nov 3rd for some reason two words popped into my head and just kept repeating Olivette Discourse … I am a Christian however I do not read the Bible as much as I should. I believe the Ezekiel 36 -38 prophecy will soon come to pass. This was clear as day … the only other time this has happened was the words Balfour Agreement cam into my mind. Be Blessed all

  7. This was an interesting introduction to the Olivet Discourse. It helped me understand what and why these passages were so important. I will continue to study these areas.

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