4 thoughts on “Where Was God When…?”
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Over the years I’ve had many people tell me doctrine isn’t important. What matters, they say, is that you love Jesus. I’ll never dispute the importance of loving Jesus. But the apostle Paul spent...
We believe God is one being in three coequal, coeternal persons. This short statement expresses the Christian definition of the Trinity, or the triunity of the Godhead...
We believe all human beings are sinners (Rom. 3:23), possessing active sin natures that result in our physical and spiritual deaths...
We believe Jesus was conceived through the power of the Holy Spirit and was born to a virgin. The virgin birth is a crucial doctrine of the Christian faith...
We believe the unconditional covenant God made with Abraham is still in force today, and God will not cancel it. God made the unconditional covenant with Abram (Abraham), recorded in Genesis 15...
We believe everyone who ever lived, including unbelievers, will be bodily resurrected from the dead and receive a new, immortal body. However, not everyone will spend eternity enjoying immortality...
Could it be when we are asking, “Why?” that we simply yet profoundly forget that we are the creature of the Creator! God made us from nothing, and having fullest freedom in Himself to do otherwise, created us with affection and loving delight. The Bible answers all our “whys” quite clearly if we remember that we are but dust. Perhaps some grieving is disguised pride, and our complaints and travails take us to where we think too highly of ourselves.
That we feel God is silent or unfeeling – who gave us feelings? If we feel confused or vulnerable, didn’t God place those feelings in us? If not, then who did?
Sorrow and tragedy, abasement and shame may come, yet God’s firsthand experience of these events and emotions are fully explained through Christ’s humiliations.
Oh that we would quiet our souls and questions with greater knowledge and of the shame he so despised. These common experiences
The Lord approached his crucifixion not as a helpless creature, but as a humble creator, endured the cross while despising the shame, and He who knew no sin suffered the ultimate weight it and the ultimate wrath for it.
Yet, himself any latitude in his dealings toward us. That he allowed Adam and Eve to believe otherwise, to allow them to rebel against this
What a joy it is to stumble upon
IsraelMyGlory on my computer.
I still cherish my magazine.
It is simply the TRUTH! It gets no better than that.
Thank You.
Bruce and Betty Holmes