Who Doesn’t Want a Blessing?

Many people throw around the word blessing without really understanding what it means. Nor do they know there’s one thing in particular they can do that God promises to bless. Nostalgia. That’s the emotion fans of the iconic 1960s TV series Star Trek feel when they hear the words live long and prosper. The character of Mr. Spock, the half-Vulcan first officer on the USS Enterprise, made the p

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5 thoughts on “Who Doesn’t Want a Blessing?

  1. I, too, have a concern that you are perpetuating a conclusion about Luke’s birthright status based on assumption and tradition, not scripture. Nowhere is it revealed in scripture that he was a gentile. God’s Word states that God’s Words were entrusted to Jews. That’s not a educated guess, but a literal reading of what God said. Are we to believe scripture or an assumption of facts not in evidence?

    1. In regards to Luke, here’s what we know about him from texts within the Bible.

      He was the “beloved physician” or doctor mentioned by Paul in Colossians 4:14

      Colossians 4:10-11 Paul names his fellow workers with him who are ‘of the circumcision’ i.e. Jewish.

      In that list Paul mentions Aristarchus (a Jew from Thessalonica), Mark (Jewish name John/Yochanan), Barnabas and Jesus, called Justus as being ‘of the circumcision,’ whereas Luke and Demas are not mentioned in that group.

      However, separately in verse 14 we are told that Luke and Demas send their greetings, so the context of these verses indicates that Luke was not ‘of the circumcision,’ that is, he was not Jewish.

      Luke is not mentioned prior to the Lord Jesus’s death and resurrection.

      So in summary:
      Luke was a Gentile who never met Jesus as he was not an eye witness, unlike the other three Gospel writers who were all Jews.

      Sometime later Luke became a follower of Jesus.

      His earliest mention is in Philemon 2:4. He is also mentioned in Colossians 4:14 and 2 Timothy 4:11.

      He travelled and worked with Paul as recorded in the Book of Acts with the ‘we’ sections – see Acts 16:10-17; 20:5-15, 21:1-18; 27:1 to 28:16.

      So Luke is the only Gentile writer within the New Testament.

      Other Writings About Luke:
      There are many other things about Luke that have come down from the church fathers such as Luke was a Greek born in Antioch in Ancient Syria. The next earliest account of Luke (after Paul’s writings) is in the Anti-Marcionite Prologue to the Gospel of Luke: “Luke probably was originally a convert through Peter who became a disciple of Paul and followed him until Paul’s martyrdom. Then having served the Lord continuously, unmarried and without children, Luke died at the age of 84.”

      When Did Luke Write?
      Neither the Gospel of Luke nor The Book of Acts indicates when they were written. so this too must be deduced. Scholars have noted that Paul’s first Roman imprisonment is mentioned at the end of Acts (Acts 28:30) so the earliest date for Acts being written could be 62AD. Luke’s gospel account is usually dated from the early to late sixties or mid-seventies to late eighties of the first century AD.

  2. Hi. I have a comment on this article. Actually it is a question. I noticed in your article that you referred to Job as a Gentile. I am a student of God’s Word and always thought that Job was a Jew. I looked into some resources on the people group that Job belonged to and there seems to be a difference of opinion as to whether he was a Jew or Gentile. I am just wondering what your source of sources are that convinced you that he was a Gentile. I have a great deal of respect for you and I would love to hear your answer. Blessings on you for the work that you do.

  3. I prayed in the morning and asked the Lord what He would like me to share with a new Spanish speaking believers this Saturday at a special meeting. (Dec. 22/18). I didn’t have any idea what to share with them but When I read Steve’s article about the blessings I was touched by the Lord in my heart, first to worship Him for blessing me, then for making me to understand the meaning of what is a blessing which I didn’t see it together before. The words just flowed into my heart and spirit. Thank you Steve for such a blessing. I am sharing this thoughts with our group and I pray for your ministry among our Jewish people. Blessings!

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