Zvi Jun/Jul 2000

Here in Israel, there is a new surprise every day. But never was I as surprised as I was recently when I took my wife to the hospital on the bus—and I have lived here fifty-three years.

Once a month, my wife must go to the hospital for tests. When I go with her, I wait many hours for her to be finished. So while I wait, I always find people to talk to about the Lord. Sometimes it goes slowly, but I am always able to find someone to have a long conversation with.

This time I could not believe what happened. On the bus were some of the ultra-Orthodox Jewish boys who are always opposing us and making trouble for those of us who believe in Christ. They do so, saying they are “sanctifying the holy Name.” When these people came on the bus, they immediately started to make a big commotion to promote their fanaticism. I cannot be as quick to speak about my beliefs as they are. So I remained quiet to see what was going to happen.

Then an older woman started shouting at them. She screamed at them saying, “You are the biggest extortionists the world has ever seen! For money you would sell all the land in Israel!”

So a big argument started. They said, “We come to bring people the good news from our great rabbi, who is holy.” Then I had no more patience. I could no longer keep quiet. It was as if a green light came on and said, “Go! Luke 10:3.” It is written there, “Go your ways; behold, I send you forth as lambs among wolves.”

So I told these boys, “You will all be punished forever, and also your great rabbis who make themselves so holy. They are no more holy than the greatest sinners, and they will never be forgiven because they are fighting against the commands of God. They teach people to walk in the evil way. Such ones cannot see the light of the Lord but only everlasting darkness. And you, do you know whom you are serving? Satan!”

And then I had a very big surprise. Most of the people on the bus were on my side.

The ultra-Orthodox told me, “We will call the police on you now because you said that we worship Satan. You are accusing such a holy one as this great rabbi.”

Then all the people on the bus starting shouting, “Go! Call the police because we all say the same thing. He is Satan, and you worship him.”

I told everyone that God has chosen us to be His servants. I asked the people to take a good look and see with their eyes whom these chosen people are serving.

“As it is written in Isaiah 1:2,” I said, “‘I have nourished and brought up children, and they have rebelled against me.’” I continued to read to them from my Bible: “The ox knoweth his owner, and the ass, his master’s crib, but Israel doth not know; my people doth not consider” (Isa. 1:3).

The ultra-Orthodox were listening. They were very tense and their nerves were strained when I read this to them. “You do not worship the Lord,” I said. “What you are doing is the greatest evil. And you call yourselves activists for God!”

Then the people on the bus started saying that according to the law that these ultra-Orthodox want to force everyone to follow, they themselves should be stoned for what they are doing.

The young men were very angry with me. “We will never forget you!” they said.

I told them my door is always open, and they have an invitation to visit me any time they want. “This is my obligation before the Lord,” I said, “to warn people like you. You come among people and bring poison. As it is written in the book of Ezekiel, ’I have set thee a watchman unto the house of Israel; . . . if thou warn the wicked of his way to turn from it, if he do not turn from his way, he shall die in his iniquity’ (33:7, 9).

“I bring people the real good news,” I said, “not the false things from your so-called holy rabbis, but what is written here, in the Bible. You even try to boycott the Word of the Lord to keep people from knowing the full truth about our Savior, Yeshua Hamashiach. And which chapter do you refuse to read? One of great importance— Isaiah 53. The Bible speaks of Him not only in this chapter but also in others. You reject the Word of God, but there is no power on earth that can erase the truth.”

The ultra-Orthodox looked at me and asked, “Do you know to what organization we belong?”

I answered, “Yes, I know. The organization of Satan, whom you make so holy! Therefore, you will pay a high price.”

When I began to make it clear that I believe in Jesus, I was sure that now I would have more enemies against me. But no! No one opposed me, because I had told everyone that I had fought in all of Israel’s wars since 1944—not like the Orthodox who refuse to fight for Israel. They merely sit and eat the bread of idleness.

As the bus ride ended, they tried to threaten me by saying, “This is not the end. We will see you again someday.” I said, “Fine. You are welcome. You need to know the truth.”

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