Daily News

July 13, 2018

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow on Wednesday for talks focusing on Iranian presence in Syria — an issue that is expected to top the agenda of the…

July 12, 2018

The Israel Defense Forces on Wednesday said a Patriot missile intercepted a drone approaching Israel from Syria, as sirens sounded in northern Israel and fragments from the downed UAV plummeted into the…

July 11, 2018

A group of activists in Gaza are seeking to set sail Tuesday, July 9, to “break the siege” of Gaza, they claimed on Monday. The activists timed their sailing to take place after months of the Great Return March failing…

July 10, 2018

Israeli humanitarian aid organization IsraAID deployed an emergency response team to western Japan Monday, two days after torrential rains and floods began. JISP, IsraAID’s Japan branch, will distribute urgent…

July 9, 2018

BERLIN — Research suggests the family of Anne Frank, the world-famous Jewish diarist who died in the Holocaust, attempted to immigrate to the United States and later also to Cuba, but their efforts were…

July 6, 2018

The Mossad agency has recovered a wristwatch belonging to legendary Israeli spy Eli Cohen who executed in Syria, and brought it back to Israel after a recent special operation, the Prime Minister’s Office…

July 5, 2018

Residents of the North were woken up with a bump on Wednesday morning as a 4.1 magnitude earthquake shook Haifa and the Galilee region shortly before 5:00 a.m. The Israeli Geophysical Institute said a…

July 4, 2018

Australia has stopped giving direct aid to the Palestinian Authority due to concerns that the money is being used to pay Palestinian terrorists and their families. Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop…

July 3, 2018

A rare bronze coin from the fourth year of the Great Jewish Revolt was recently discovered in excavations in the City of David National Park. A testament to the final days of the rebellion against the Romans, the coin…

July 2, 2018

Fifteen fires broke out in Israel Friday due to incendiary balloons and kites launched from the Gaza Strip. Firefighters doused the blazes. Around 2,000 Palestinians were demonstrating along the border, a drop…

June 29, 2018

During Wednesday night of this week, an IDF force identified two terrorists who were crawling toward the security fence in an attempt to infiltrate Israel from the southern Gaza Strip. The force responded with tank…

June 28, 2018

The World Economic Forum has chosen Watergen as one of its technology pioneers out of hundreds of candidates. The Israeli start-up’s devices and technology are a new source of clean drinking water, using…

June 22, 2018

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu issued a stern warning to Hamas on Wednesday (20th) amid escalating tensions along the border with the Gaza Strip, saying Israel will employ whatever means necessary to…

June 21, 2018

Terrorists in the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip launched at least 45 rockets and mortar shells at communities in southern Israel early Wednesday morning (20th), seven of which were shot down by the Iron Dome…

June 20, 2018

The United States Senate approved its version of the annual defense spending bill Monday (18th) that included the $500 million promised to Israel each year for missile defense…

June 19, 2018

Palestinian terrorists blew themselves up Monday (18th) while trying to blow a hole in an underground wall separating Israel from the Gaza Strip, the IDF said. Of a terror cell of five, one terrorist was…

June 18, 2018

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu opened the weekly cabinet meeting Sunday (17th) with a report on his talks with Russian President Putin and U.S. Secretary Mike Pompeo. “Over the weekend I spoke with…

June 15, 2018

The UN General Assembly, in a 120-8 vote with 45 abstentions, approved a non-binding resolution Wednesday (13th) blaming Israel for violence in Gaza and deploring its “excessive use of force,” after narrowly…

June 14, 2018

Soldiers from the IDF’s elite Duvdevan counter-terrorism commando unit raided Palestinian Camp al-Am’ari last Wednesday (6th) in the late morning hours and pulled the terrorist who killed their friend…

June 13, 2018

Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman visited the Gaza Division Tuesday (12th) and congratulated the incoming commander of the Southern Command, Major Hartzi Halevi. “First of all, I came to congratulate…

June 12, 2018

An 18-year-old woman was stabbed and seriously wounded in the northern city of Afula Monday (11th), in a terror attack authorities said.  The victim was able to take a few steps and…

June 11, 2018

The Israel Defense Forces called up thousands of reservists on Sunday (10th) as part of a surprise exercise in the Golan Heights on Israel’s border with Syria. The drill is expected to last several days and will…

June 8, 2018

IDF aircraft dropped leaflets, ahead of Friday’s (8th) planned protests, warning Gaza residents against approaching the border fence and attempts at sabotage and terrorism, according to the…

June 7, 2018

A Palestinian rioter was killed in the Ramallah area on Wednesday (6th) after attempting to kill an IDF soldier with a rock at close range. The attacker hurled a large rock at IDF troops during a counter-terrorism…

June 6, 2018

The Israel Security Agency announced Tuesday (5th) it had uncovered and thwarted a terrorist cell guided by a terror operative from Syria, which had planned to target senior Israeli officials including…

June 5, 2018

IDF soldiers killed one of two armed Terrorists Monday (4th) as they attempted to cross the border from the Gaza Strip into Israel. The terrorists who were carrying axes damaged the security fence in what was…

June 4, 2018

Palestinian terrorists from the Gaza Strip cut through the border fence and infiltrated southern Israel Sunday evening (3rd), before setting ablaze a container that stored equipment for the construction of an…

June 1, 2018

While mortar and rocket barrages from Gaza stopped with the attainment of a ceasefire, incendiary kite terrorism never stopped, with fires breaking out on Thursday (5/31) in the regions’ Be’eri and Kissufim…

May 31, 2018

Thousands of Israelis in communities within rocket range of the Gaza Strip spent Tuesday night (29th) in or near bomb shelters as terrorists fired more than 40 more rockets and mortar shells at Israel. According…

May 30, 2018

Several structures and vehicles in the town of Sderot were hit by machine gun fire from the Gaza Strip on Monday evening (28th). On Tuesday morning (29th), at least 27 rockets were fired at Israeli towns…

May 29, 2018

On Monday (28th) Ron Dermer, Israeli Ambassador to the United States, tweeted, “On Memorial Day, Israel salutes the brave men and women of the U.S. Armed Forces for everything they have done and continue…

May 25, 2018

Explosions were heard outside of  a Syrian airbase near the city of Homs Thursday evening (24th) in what Syrian state media termed a missile attack. The pro-Hizbullah Al Mayadeen outlet claimed that four…

May 24, 2018

May 14th was a historic date in Israel this year, marking the country’s 70th anniversary and the day on which the Americans moved their embassy to Jerusalem. It was also the date on which the number of…

May 23, 2018

Citing the Kuwaiti newspaper Al-Jarida, Ma’ariv reported on Tuesday (22nd) an Israeli-American offer to Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad, in which he was told, “Remove Iranian forces from Syria, and in return Israeli attacks will…

May 22, 2018

Paraguay opened its new embassy in Jerusalem Monday (21st), with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu hailing the country as a “true friend,” making it the third country to do so after the United States and…

May 21, 2018

Some 200,000 Israelis visited national parks Sunday (20th) for the Shavuot holiday, as tens of thousands more flocked to beaches across the country. With Israel in the grips of a heat wave, nature reserves and…

May 18, 2018

Paraguay’s government says President Horacio Cartes will open the country’s new embassy in Israel on Tuesday (22nd) in Jerusalem, following similar steps by the United States and Guatemala…

May 17, 2018

The bullets that hit a number of of homes in the southern Israeli city of Sderot Wednesday (16th) were the result of machine gun fire by Palestinians in Gaza at an Israeli military aircraft, officials said. Bullets shattered…

May 16, 2018

WASHINGTON – Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu again defended his country’s response to protests in Gaza and blamed the territory’s ruling Hamas party for the violence…

May 15, 2018

Sixty-nine years after Israel declared Jerusalem as its capital, and 23 years after the US Congress passed a law mandating that Washington move its embassy there, the US formally opened its embassy in the…

May 14, 2018

After a week of tension in Israel’s Golan Heights, Israel’s defense establishment is bracing for a week of violent confrontations along the border fence with the Gaza Strip and in the West Bank. With the opening…

May 11, 2018

In a warning directed especially at Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stressed in a Hebrew-language video message Thursday (10th) that the IDF will respond powerfully…

May 10, 2018

The Iranian Qods Force in Syria, fired a barrage of 20 rockets at IDF posts on the Golan Heights around midnight on Wednesday (9th). A number of rockets were intercepted by the IDF’s Iron Dome…

May 9, 2018

Syrian state-run media reported an Israeli attack near the capital Damascus, Tuesday night (8th).  The official news agency SANA said the attack occurred in the countryside just south of Damascus…

May 8, 2018

At least three “U.S. Embassy” road signs went up in Jerusalem on Monday (7th) ahead of next week’s opening of the mission in the city, a Reuters witness said. The signs, in English, Hebrew and…

May 7, 2018

“We are determined to stop the Iranian aggression against us, even if it involves a struggle – it is better now than later,” Netanyahu said. Israel is determined to prevent Iranian entrenchment in Syria even…

May 4, 2018

Israeli President Reuven Rivlin on Tuesday (1st) began an official visit to Ethiopia.  Ethiopian President Mulatu Teshome said ties between the two countries date back 3,000 years to when the Ethiopian Queen…

May 3, 2018

Incendiary kites flown Wednesday (2nd) from the Gaza Strip by Palestinian terrorists caused a huge fire in the Be’eri Forest in southern Israel that continued to rage into the evening. The conflagration is the..

May 2, 2018

On Tuesday (1st), a day after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu released information collected by the Mossad on Iran’s nuclear weapons program, Intelligence Minister…

May 1, 2018

Missile strikes targeted suspected Iranian military bases in the Syrian provinces of Hama and Aleppo late Sunday (4/29), Syrian state media reported Monday (4/30)…

April 30, 2018

Some 4,000 students of pre-military academics, teenagers and youth, held a memorial event in Rabin Square in Tel Aviv Saturday night (28th) for the ten teenagers…

April 27, 2018

At least nine high school students have died and several others went missing on Thursday (26th) when the field trip they were on in southern Israel was disrupted by flash floods. The group of 25…

April 26, 2018

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu thanked his visiting counterpart from Romania on Wednesday (25th) for her government’s stand on possibly moving Romania’s embassy to Jerusalem…

April 25, 2018

Israeli soldiers arrested two Palestinians who crossed into Israel from Gaza armed with grenades and knives. The men were taken in Tuesday morning (24th) shortly after they crossed the security fence, according…

April 24, 2018

The Kremlin on Monday (23rd) declined to comment on media reports suggesting that Russia plans to supply Syria with S-300 air defense systems, but said a Western missile strike on Syria had soured the…

April 23, 2018

On Sunday (22nd) Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu responded to accusations by Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif that Israel violated international law, saying, “This is the foreign minister of a…

April 20, 2018

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Thursday (19th) at a welcoming ceremony for diplomats and consular staff that “preferable treatment” will be given to the first 10 embassies moving from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem…

April 19, 2018

On Wednesday (18th), air raid sirens blared across the Land of Israel to call to remembrance the 23,646 soldiers and 3,134 terror victims who fell in Israel’s wars and during various attacks. Nearly every Israeli…

April 18, 2018

Israel came to a standstill on Tuesday night (17th) to mark its national Memorial Day, and to commemorate the 23,646 fallen IDF soldiers and 3,134 victims of terrorist attacks who…

April 17, 2018

On the eve of Israel’s 70th Independence Day, its population stands at 8,847,000, of whom 74.5 percent are Jewish, according to figures released on Monday (16th) by the Central Bureau of Statistics…

April 16, 2018

The IDF announced Sunday (15th) that it will be imposing a general closure on the West Bank and Gaza Strip, closing all crossings during Remembrance Day and Independence Day. The closure will begin at…

April 13, 2018

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke by telephone Wednesday (11th) and discussed the volatile situation in Syria. Netanyahu’s and Putin’s conversation also focused on…

April 12, 2018

Events commemorating Holocaust Memorial Day began at sundown Wednesday (11th) throughout Israel. The state ceremony was held at Jerusalem’s Yad Vashem Holocaust Museum’s plaza, and hundreds of…

April 11, 2018

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke reassuringly Monday (9th) to residents of Sderot, a town of about 25,000 people situated near the southern part of the Gaza Strip.  Having suffered many terror…

April 10, 2018

Russia and Syria’s military blamed Israel for a strike early Monday (9th) on a major air base in central Syria, saying Israeli fighter jets launched missiles from Lebanese airspace. A war-monitoring group said the…

April 9, 2018

Syrian activists, rescuers and medics said Sunday (8th) that a poison gas attack on a rebel-held town near the capital has killed at least 40 people, allegations denied by the Syrian government…

April 6, 2018

An armed Palestinian man was killed by an Israeli air strike as he approached the Gaza border fence on Thursday (5th), the Israel Defense Forces said.  Palestinians are expected to resume massing along…

April 5, 2018

Soldiers in the IDF’s Paratroopers Brigade Battalion 202 perform nightly operations and tours in order to ensure the safety of those living in or visiting Israel’s northern areas. The battalion is currently operating in the…

April 4, 2018

Israel and Saudi Arabia still have no official diplomatic relations, but the future monarch of the oil-rich kingdom appeared to unofficially recognize the Jewish state in remarks to American media this week…

April 3, 2018

Tens of thousands of Jewish pilgrims made their way to the Western Wall in Jerusalem’s Old City on Monday (2nd) for a twice-annual mass blessing ceremony, held under heavy police guard. The blessing was recited…

April 2, 2018

U.S. President Donald Trump offered holiday greetings for Passover, Friday (3/30) saying: “During the sacred holiday of Passover, Jewish families around the world give thanks to God for liberating the Jewish people…

March 29, 2018

The IDF will impose a general closure on the West Bank, and close the crossings between Israel and Gaza during the holiday of Passover which begins Friday at sundown (3/30). The closures will be imposed on…

March 28, 2018

The Western Wall Heritage Foundation invited the public to take part in the mass blessing of the Kohanim (Jewish priests) that will take place on Monday (4/2) at the Western Wall Plaza, and join in the…

March 27, 2018

Religious Jewish factions say they are moving ever closer to the realization of the Third Temple in Jerusalem. The latest evidence of this is police authorization, granted on Sunday (25th), for a Passover…

March 26, 2018

The National Security Council’s Counter-terrorism Bureau cautioned Israelis against traveling to Sinai, Northern African countries, Turkey and south Thailand. The warning was issued on Sunday (25th) ahead of the…

March 23, 2018

The two terror attacks in the past seven days in Mevo Dotan and Jerusalem’s Old City, which claimed the lives of three Israelis in total, naturally put defense forces across the country on high alert…

March 22, 2018

The outgoing head of Military Intelligence issued a stern warning to Israel’s enemies against launching attacks on Israel during the upcoming holiday season, amid increasing tension on…

March 21, 2018

Ahead of the Passover holiday, workers from the Western Wall Heritage Foundation removed the prayer notes that were hidden by visitors over the past year…

March 20, 2018

The funeral of Adiel Kolman, the 32-year-old father of four who was killed in a terror attack on Sunday evening (18th) was held at 11 a.m. Monday morning (19th) in the Kokhav HaShahar cemetery…

March 19, 2018

The Israeli army destroyed a Hamas tunnel late Saturday night (17th), which crossed into Israeli territory, the IDF Spokesperson’s Unit announced Sunday (18th)…

March 16, 2018

Several improvised explosive devices (IEDs) were detonated adjacent to the Israel-Gaza border fence Thursday morning (15th).  No injuries were reported, and IDF tanks returned fire at Hamas targets inside the…

March 15, 2018

Americans’ stance on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is as strongly pro-Israel as at any time in Gallup’s three-decade trend. In a poll taken Feb. 1-10, 64% say their sympathies in the dispute lie more with the Israelis…

March 14, 2018

Israeli authorities this week exposed and seized two shipments of terror-related items bound for the Gaza Strip, presumably to be used by one of the terror organizations that operate there…

March 13, 2018

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday (11th) reported to the Israeli Cabinet on his visit to the U.S. last week: “The diplomatic talks focused mainly on Iran.  I said that the nuclear agreement…

March 12, 2018

Prime Minister Netanyahu on Thursday (9th) visited the Jerusalem Exhibition currently being presented at the UN building in New York.  The exhibit presents 3,000 years of Jewish continuity in Jerusalem…

March 9, 2018

In an interview in Washington on Wednesday (7th), Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu discussed the Palestinian issue.  “I want a solution when they have all the powers they need to govern themselves, but none of the…

March 8, 2018

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu followed his AIPAC speech Tuesday (6th) by holding a series of meetings on Capitol Hill. The Prime Minister met with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R.-KY), Senate…

March 7, 2018

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, addressing a crowd of 18,000 at the annual AIPAC conference in Washington Tuesday (6th), stressed the Iranian threat and the need to…

March 6, 2018

US President Donald Trump said that he may visit Israel in May for the opening of a new US Embassy in Jerusalem. Trump commented during an Oval Office meeting…

March 5, 2018

The United States and Israel will cooperate to confront the Iranian regime, with or without help from the UN, a senior Israeli diplomat said Sunday (4th). Speaking at the 2018 American Israel Public…

March 2, 2018

Tens of thousands across Israel watched and participated Thursday morning (1st) in the festivities of Purim, transforming the country’s streets into a colorful and glistening parade of costumed enthusiasts…

March 1, 2018

On Thursday (1st) Jews celebrate Purim, the tale of the Jews narrow escape from extermination in the Persian Achaemenid Empire in the fifth century BCE, a millennium before the rise of Islam…

February 28, 2018

The family of an Israeli couple murdered along with three of their children in their West Bank home in 2012 filed suit Monday (26th) against the terrorists behind the attack…

February 27, 2018

The IDF has imposed a four-day closure of the West Bank and Gaza for Purim, the army announced. The closure is scheduled to be in effect from Tuesday (27th) through midnight Saturday (3/3)…

February 26, 2018

The Trump administration has confirmed that the U.S. embassy will be moved to Jerusalem this coming May, coinciding with Israel’s 70th Independence Day…

February 23, 2018

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations in Jerusalem on Wednesday (21st): “Most Arab countries now…

February 22, 2018

UNITED NATIONS – The United States is “ready to talk” Middle East peace with the Palestinians, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley said on Tuesday…

February 21, 2018

Mohsen Rezael, secretary of Iran’s Expediency Council and former chief of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard, said the Islamic Republic will “level Tel Aviv to the ground”…

February 20, 2018

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu threatened to attack Iran in response to terror attacks on Israel’s soil. “Israel will not allow Iran’s regime to put a noose of terror around our neck…

February 16, 2018

On Thursday (15th) Israeli President Reuven Rivlin expressed his condolences via Twitter after a gunman shot dead 17 people and wounded more than a dozen others in an attack…