Biblical Studies/Theology

‘I Will Return’

Following a 2020 Democratic presidential debate, U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) approached Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), who reached out his hand to shake hers…

Keeping His Promises

Jesus’ Second Coming will bring to completion scores of prophecies in the Hebrew Scriptures, as well as many predictions and promises Jesus made…

Until He Comes

“I want your room cleaned up before I get home!” Sound familiar? Parents often leave directives like these for their children before leaving the house…

No Other Name

How can people hate someone who died for them? After all, the whole world celebrates heroes, people who selflessly “pay the ultimate price” for a noble cause…

The Moses Test

Remember Y2K, the colossal, highly anticipated computer catastrophe that was supposed to paralyze the universe the moment we…

The Hope for All Time

On December 25, much of the world will pause to celebrate Christmas. And though it is a well-documented fact that Jesus was not born on that date…

Introduction to Philippians

Christian leaders often create ministry strategies, only to discover God’s will is different…

Just a Closer Walk With Thee

Did you know people can be disciples of just about anything? Sports teams, fitness programs, and celebrities all have…

The Unlikely King

It was a scandal many find hard to stomach even today. The king God chose to govern His people committed adultery with another man’s wife…

The Richest Man on Earth

“Success is not final; failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.” These words of wisdom, falsely attributed to…

Solomon’s Temple

King Solomon’s reign has been called Israel’s Golden Age. Under him, the Israelites possessed almost all of the land God promised them…

When Everything Went Wrong

When people think of King Solomon, they usually recall his great wisdom and the magnificent Jewish Temple he built…

The Beginning of the End

God is not to be trifled with. He warned Israel’s kings not to worship other gods, and He meant it. Because He knows the end…

A Taste of Tomorrow

On October 25, 2021, shares of Tesla spiked almost 13 percent, surpassing the $1 trillion market cap and making the electric car company’s CEO…

The Importance of Knowing God

Apart from Jesus Christ, King Solomon was the wisest man who ever lived (1 Ki. 3:12). When he dedicated the Temple…

The Curse

God made many promises that are now fulfilled and others yet to be fulfilled. But He always gets around to fulfilling them, no matter how long it takes…

Paul’s Final Words

Place yourself in the apostle Paul’s sandals: You are in a dungeon awaiting execution, knowing your fellow workers face great persecution from Roman officials…

Just a Closer Walk With Thee

People are lonely. Research studies show that today, Americans in particular have decreasing family sizes; fewer friends with…

Antique fountain pen on parchment.

From the Editor Jul/Aug 2022

When I was a student at Word of Life Bible Institute, a professor from Dallas Theological Seminary told me one of the main reasons people leave the mission field is because…

The Child and the Seed

It has been said the key to all Messianic prophecy hangs at the Bible’s front door and was given by God to that “old serpent, the Devil…”

The Continuing Conflict

Satan’s goal is to rule the world instead of God and have all humanity worship him (Isa. 14:12–14). Consequently, he has tried…

Icon of an open Bible. The Berean Box.

Q: Who Is An Overcomer?

People in sports know the name Nike. It’s a popular brand of footwear and gear identified by its logo: the swoosh…

The Fiery Red Dragon

All he wanted was a sugar apple. He didn’t know it would cost him his life. Muhamad Anwar, a 31-year-old fisherman, probably knew he was trespassing…

The Dragon’s Lair

There is a reason why Scripture calls Satan “the ruler of this world” (Jn. 12:31; 14:30; 16:11), “the god of this age” (2 Cor. 4:4), and “the prince of the power of the air…

Paul’s Personal Word

If we had written the apostle Paul’s last words, we might have chosen to conclude his final epistle with a testimony to his victorious, faithful ministry…

Just a Closer Walk With Thee

It happens almost every Sunday. When a church service begins, most of us aren’t quite ready to worship…

My Seven Chapters

Last summer I spoke at a family Bible conference. As I began preparing the messages for the ministry there, I decided to try something unusual…

3 Reasons Why I Support Israel

When I was a freshman in college, I learned a valuable lesson. My professor, Dr. Herb Hirt, told us never to read the…

From the River to the Sea

Throughout history, hatred of the Jewish people has surged and subsided but never disappeared. In the late 1800s..

Paul’s Triumphant Testimony

Are you prepared to die? The last words a person utters or writes when death is imminent are usually of great importance…

Just a Closer Walk With Thee

As a boy, I got a little anxious each Sunday morning when my parents stopped at a convenience store to buy mints…

Antique fountain pen on parchment.

From the Editor Mar/Apr 2022

If you’ve been a Christian for many years, you have probably taken communion hundreds of times. In fact, you probably know Jesus’ words…

Israel’s New Covenant

When the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, the people of the United States were devastated. Official inquiries were opened…

How I Learned I Was Wrong

“Now, the New Covenant, that’s ours. That’s for us as Christians.” I can still hear myself speaking those words to my…

‘It Is Finished!’

It was 12 o’clock noon in Jerusalem, the time for the Passover sacrifices to begin. An unusual darkness covered the land (Mt. 27:45; Mk. 15:33)…

The Truth about Eutychus

It is common to hear people mention the Eutychus incident in Acts 20:6–12 to hint that some men preach too long…

Preach God’s Word!

Knowing his life would soon end, the apostle Paul fixed his attention on completing his letter to young Timothy, his protégé and son in the faith…

Just A Closer Walk With Thee

If you learned $3 million dollars in gold lay buried somewhere in your backyard, would you try to dig it up?…

Antique fountain pen on parchment.

From the Editor Jan/Feb 2022

A few years ago, I watched a film about a man who never learned to read in school. His mother dies when he is young; and his father moves Stanley around…

Four Important Words

In explaining that we consider Scripture the ultimate authority for life, we often use the phrase verbal, plenary inspiration. The apostle Paul said…

Kingdom Now?

​​Of all the New Testament references to Old Testament Scripture, the verse that receives the most New Testament attention is Psalm 110:1…

When is a Wolf Not a Wolf?

All of us use figures of speech: “She’s the black sheep of the family” or “He had to eat crow” or “Behold, I send you…

Yesterday, Today, and Forever

It was a scam that worked for months. In 1849, William Thompson prowled the streets of New York City looking for…

The Confusion Cure

I once heard a preacher say if you summed up the Bible in a few words, those words would be from a garden (Gen. 1—2) to a city (Rev. 21—22) with a cross in between…

Preparation For Perilous Times

The apostle Paul was martyred during the rule of Roman Emperor Nero, an evil, diabolical man whose vicious cruelty…

God’s Guarantee to Us

One of the many Scriptures Sunday school teachers encourage their students to memorize is 2 Timothy 3:16. It is God’s guarantee to us that…

Just A Closer Walk With Thee

The late U.S. President George H. W. Bush famously hated broccoli. Some claim he mentioned the fact at least 70 times while…

Isaiah 52:13—53:12

Behold, My Servant shall deal prudently; He shall be exalted and extolled and be very high. Just as many were astonished at you, so His visage was…

Outline of Isaiah 52:13—53:12

I. THE Servant’s SUPREMACY (52:13–15) A. The Servant’s prudence (v. 13) B. The Servant praised (v. 13) C. The Servant persecuted…

The ‘Forbidden Chapter’

What joy was mine when I ministered in Israel for one month each year when I served as director of…

From the Root of Jesse

When my friend and colleague Steve Herzig lived in Chicago many years ago, he issued a challenge to some of his friends. The challenge seemed simple enough, but…

Christmas Is…

Christmas is a busy time of year. Everyone’s schedule seems to be full of holiday events. Getting together with family and friends. Singing Christmas carols. Buying…

God’s Awesome, Immutable Plan

In the 1980s, an action-adventure television series used a catchphrase that has long outlived the show: “I love it when…

Facing Perilous Times

In many of his epistles, the apostle Paul warned churches that in the last days, charlatans will emerge teaching erroneous, deceptive doctrines that cause…

Living for God

Nick Foles is an NFL quarterback. He became famous for leading the Philadelphia Eagles to their first-ever Super Bowl win in 2018 and was named…

Inside View Sep/Oct 2021

​​The Western church relies heavily on English translations of the original manuscripts of Scripture. Until John Wycliffe’s first complete translation in 1382…

Jesus on Sukkot

The events recorded in John 7 took place during the Feast of Tabernacles—the Jewish holiday of Sukkot: “Now the Jews’ Feast of Tabernacles was at hand…

Perilous Times Predicted

People who serve Satan may not realize what they are doing. But if they distort, oppose, twist, or deny the true gospel…

How to Obtain True Wisdom

Advice is cheap. Wisdom is rare. King Solomon said, “Happy is the man who finds wisdom, and the man who…

Antique fountain pen on parchment.

From the Editor Jul/Aug 2021

Who among us, at one time or another, has not questioned God? Why, Lord, did You let my baby die? Why didn’t You heal my child? Why do You allow Christians to…

Job: Misery’s Poster Child

Americans entered 2020 with great hope. The stock market, employment, and prosperity were at all-time highs…

Icon of an open Bible. The Berean Box.

Q: Who Is Satan?

Satan is not mythological. He is a real being who truly exists in the world (Job 1:6) and whose name means “accuser” or “adversary.” He possesses the attributes of…

The Wrong Trifecta

After his wife’s death, C. S. Lewis kept a journal documenting his journey of grief. It was later published as A Grief Observed. One of the entries jolted me…

What Not to Say

I hung up the phone in shock. I had called looking for comfort, maybe some sympathy. A man who had been a pillar in my life and a spiritual father to me had passed away…

Can You?

It is never fun to be in God’s waiting room. If Job could speak with us, he probably would verify the difficulty of waiting on the Lord. Job’s story, told in the Bible book…

The Message of the Gospel

As we read the book of Job today, we have the advantage of seeing what Job could not see: the spiritual challenge that…

Faithful in Service

What is the church? Many people think of it solely as a building—sometimes a great and majestic cathedral and sometimes an unadorned, small, simple structure…

Controlling Our Tongues

Eating crow is never fun. The good news is we never have to eat words we fail to speak. Words are powerful…

What is the Gospel?

Many years ago, my wife and I were invited to dinner at the home of a prominent older woman. She knew governors and senators and had been friends with Albert Einstein…


Here are the ABCs of accepting Jesus as your Savior: A. Acknowledge and repent of your sin, realizing sin separates us from a holy and righteous God…

The Lord’s Servant

Confronting false teaching is not easy, particularly for a young minister. But it is necessary, as the apostle Paul explained to his protégé Timothy…

Antique fountain pen on parchment.

From the Editor Mar/Apr 2021

When I became a Christian, I didn’t know much about Christianity. I didn’t know the New Testament or doctrine or what God expected of me as a believer…

The Coming Conflagration

“It is apocalyptic.” U.S. Senator Jeff Merkley of Oregon didn’t exaggerate much when he assessed the wildfires that ravaged…

The Secret to Serving Christ

When I was a teenager, I enjoyed visiting my pastor’s study. His bookshelves were sprinkled with interesting knickknacks…

The Christian Thing to Do

The toxic turn in the nature of the American political system, bitterly pitting factions and friends against one another, has…

How to Walk With God

Someone has aptly said, “Counting time is not nearly as important as making time count!” No one can stop the clock of history. It ticks with exactness through each…

Remain Committed

The Christian life is not a sprint to the finish line. It’s a marathon. It requires faithful endurance from beginning to end; and to live it, we must draw on…

Antique fountain pen on parchment.

From the Editor Jan/Feb 2021

Many years ago, my husband’s friend Ken Campbell lost his 18-year-old daughter in a car accident. Ken pastored a church here in South Jersey, and Gwendolyn was a student at Word of Life…

Meditating on God

Health experts agree that walking 10,000 steps a day is a good thing. So I do this “good thing” regularly, and I can tell you that my Oy veys grow louder every time I start walking. But I can also tell you that…

The Great I Am

“Welcome to the State of Israel,” the guard said, smiling as he checked us through security and into the Embassy of Israel in Washington, DC. My wife and I attended a function there…

The Father Knows Best

In 1949, a show called Father Knows Best debuted on the radio. It made the transition to television in 1954, starring Robert Young, who played Jim Anderson, the father of three children…