A Chronology of Jesus’ Galilean Ministry

Jesus finds Philip, who in turn finds Nathanael (Jn 1:43–51)

  • First miracle at Cana and visit to Capernaum (Jn. 2:1–12)
  • John the Baptist cast into prison; Jesus leaves Judea for Galilee (Mt. 4:12; Mk. 1:14; Lk. 4:14–15; Jn. 4:1–3)
  • Commencement of Jesus’ public ministry in Galilee (Mt. 4:17; Mk. 1:14–15; Lk. 4:14–15; Jn. 4:43–45)
  • Visits Cana again; heals a nobleman’s sick son at Capernaum (Jn. 4:46–54)
  • Returns to Galilee from celebrating His third Passover at Jerusalem; visits Nazareth (Lk. 4:14–30)
  • Settles at Capernaum and teaches in public (Mt. 4:13–17; Mk. 1:21–22; Lk. 4:31–32)
  • Miraculous catch of fishes; call of Simon, Andrew, James, and John (Mt. 4:18–22; Mk. 1:16–20; Lk. 5:1–11)
  • Casts out a demon (Mk. 1:23–28; Lk. 4:33–37)
  • Heals Simon’s mother-in-law and other sick people (Mt. 8:14–17; Mk. 1:29–34; Lk. 4:38–41)
  • Circuit with the disciples through Galilee (Mt. 4:23–25; Mk. 1:35–39; Lk. 4:42–44)
  • Heals a leper and, shunning popularity, retires to the desert (Mt. 8:1–4; Mk. 1:40–45; Lk. 5:12–16)
  • Returns to Capernaum, heals a palsied man let down through the roof (Mt. 9:2–8; Mk. 2:1–12; Lk. 5:17–26)
  • Calls Matthew; the feast and discourse at his house—the new garment and new wine (Mt. 9:9–13; Mk. 2:13–17; Lk. 5:27–32)
  • Answers objections as to the reason for His not fasting (Mt. 9:14–17; Mk. 2:18–22; Lk. 5:33–39)
  • Returning toward Galilee, His disciples pluck grain on the Sabbath (Mt. 12:1–8; Mk. 2:23–28; Lk. 6:1–5)
  • Heals a man’s withered hand on the Sabbath; the Pharisees plot His death with the Herodians (Mt. 12:9–14; Mk. 3:1–6; Lk. 6:6–11)
  • Withdraws to the lake and heals many (Mt. 12:15–21; Mk. 3:7–12)
  • Ascends a hill west of the lake and, after prayer all night, chooses the Twelve; His charge (Mt. 10:1–42; Mk. 3:13–19; Lk. 6:12–19)
  • Sermon on the Mount (Mt. 5:1–8:1; Lk. 6:20–49)
  • Heals the centurion’s servant (Mt. 8:5–13; Lk. 7:1–10)
  • Raises the widow’s son at Nain (Lk. 7:11–17)
  • John the Baptist’s mission of inquiry from his dungeon at Machaerus (Mt. 11:2–19; Lk. 7:18–35)
  • Upbraids Chorazin, Bethsaida, and Capernaum and invites the heavy-laden (Mt. 11:20–30)
  • Anointing of His feet in the Pharisee Simon’s house by the sinful but forgiven woman (Lk. 7:36–50)
  • Short circuit of two days preaching through Galilee; women ministering (Lk. 8:1–3)
  • Returns to Capernaum and heals a blind and dumb demoniac; the Pharisees attribute the miracle to Beelzebub (Mt. 12:22–37; Mk. 3:22–30; Lk. 11:14–15, 17–23)
  • His kinfolk try to lay hold on Him as mad (Mt. 12:46–50; Mk. 3:19–21, 31–35; Lk. 8:19–21)
  • Speaks a series of seven parables from a fishing vessel, beginning with the parable of the sower (Mt. 13:1–53; Mk. 4:1–34; Lk. 8:4–18)
  • Crosses the lake with His disciples and calms a storm (Mt. 8:18–27; Mk. 4:35–41; Lk. 8:22–25)
  • Cures demoniac of Gadara; casts demons into swine (Mt. 8:28–34; Mk. 5:1–20; Lk. 8:26–40)
  • Returns to the west shore; raises Jairus’ daughter, and heals a woman with an issue of blood (Mt. 9:1, 18–26; Mk. 5:21–43; Lk. 8:40–56)
  • Heals two blind men and casts out a demon (Mt. 9:27–34)
  • Visits Nazareth again; His countrymen do not believe in Him (Mt. 13:54–58; Mk. 6:1–6)
  • Teaches throughout Galilee (Mt. 9:35–38; Mk. 6:6)
  • Sends forth the Twelve (Mt. 10:1–11:1; Mk. 6:7–13; Lk. 9:1–6)
  • The Twelve return, telling Him all that they have done and taught; He withdraws with them to a desert on the other side of the Sea of Galilee and feeds 5,000 people at Magdala, present-day Tabgha (Mt. 14:13–21; Mk. 6:30–44; Lk. 9:10–17; Jn. 6:1–14)
  • Sends the disciples across the lake westward to Bethsaida and at night comes walking to them upon the water (Mt. 14:22–33; Mk. 6:45–56; Jn. 6:15–21)
  • The miraculously fed multitude seeks and finds Jesus at Capernaum; His discourse in the synagogue and Peter’s confession (Jn. 6:22–71)
  • Healings in the Gennesaret plain for a few days (Mt. 14:34–36; Mk. 6:55–56)
  • Pharisees from Jerusalem object to His neglect of washing hands (Mt. 15:1–20; Mk. 7:1–23)
  • Goes northward toward Tyre and Sidon; the Syrophenician woman’s faith gains a cure for her daughter (Mt. 15:21–28; Mk. 7:24–30)
  • Returns through Decapolis and, ascending a mount near the Sea of Galilee, heals many and feeds four thousand near Kursi (Mt. 15:29–38; Mk. 7:31–8:9)
  • Crosses the lake to Dalmanutha (Mt. 15:39; Mk. 8:10)
  • Comes to Bethsaida Julias by ship; warns against leaven of doctrine (Mt. 16:4–12; Mk. 8:13–21)
  • Heals blind man at Bethsaida (Mk. 8:22–26)
  • Journeys to the region of Caesarea Philippi; Peter’s confession (Mt. 16:13–20; Mk. 8:27–30; Lk. 9:18–21)
  • Foretells His death and resurrection; reproves Peter (Mt. 16:21–28; Mk. 9:1; Lk. 9:22–27)
  • Transfiguration on Mount Hermon (Mt. 17:1–13; Mk. 9:2–13; Lk. 9:28–36)
  • Descending, the following day He casts out a demon that the disciples could not cast out (Mt. 17:14–21; Mk. 9:14–29; Lk. 9:37–43)
  • Again foretells His death and resurrection (Mt. 17:22–23; Mk. 9:30–32; Lk. 9:44–45)
  • Miraculously provides Temple tribute money from a fish at Capernaum
  • The disciples strive about who shall be greatest; Jesus teaches a childlike, forgiving spirit (Mt. 18:1–35; Mk. 9:33–50; Lk. 9:46–50)
  • Goes up from Galilee to Jerusalem about the middle of the Feast of Tabernacles and teaches in the Temple (Jn. 7:14)
  • Final departure for Jerusalem from Galilee through Samaria (Lk. 9:51–56)

Material taken from The Ryrie Study Bible, King James Version by Ryrie. Copyright 1976, 1978, Moody Bible Institute of Chicago, Moody Press. Used by permission.

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