A Likely Scenario

Dr. Showers’ article confirms the identification of a number of military contingents who will join Russia in the invasion of Israel described in Ezekiel 33 and 39. The timing is implied by the fact that it will come in the “latter days,” when Israel is entertaining a false sense of security under a peace pact with the Antichrist. Thus, the move south by the invaders will be predicated by distinguishable facts on the ground: “To take a spoil” and “to turn thine hand upon the … people that are gathered out of the nations” (Ezek. 38:12). Their malevolent intention will be to seize the wealth of the region while afflicting the Jewish people with a Russian variation of the old “final solution” phenomenon.

An intriguing element is introduced in the identities of some members of Russia’s friendly alliance—among them Iran, Sudan, Libya, and portions of Turkey—all nations either currently dominated or under attack by radical Muslim forces.

Their hostility will be vented in two directions. First is Israel, perpetually number one on the radical Islamic hit list. Also in the crosshairs will be the Antichrist and the Western domination of the region he represents (Dan. 11:36–45). It should be kept in mind that at this historic juncture—near the midpoint of the Tribulation period—a long-sought dream will have been realized: A Jewish Temple will stand on Mount Moriah in Jerusalem. Indeed, it is there that the Antichrist will drop the political facade, erect the infamous Abomination of Desolation, and declare himself divine (2 Th. 2:4).

Suppose for a moment that the Temple is built during the first few months of the Tribulation period. And just suppose that it is built at the sufferance or with the direct participation of the Antichrist—a sort of Herod-style project. Ostensibly, it will be built for his peace partner, Israel, and her Jews. In reality, the structure will be in place to embellish the glory of the Antichrist himself. It will, however, be constructed on ground most holy to the Islamic world, and we can only, at this point, envision Islamic acquiescence if they are faced by a strong deterrent—the threat of Western military retaliation should Muslim countries entertain ideas about intervention. Since 1967, the Temple Mount has been relatively quiet for one reason only: Israel’s military capability keeps the Islamic nations at bay.

Thus, when such countries as those listed in Dr. Showers’ article, and most certainly their Muslim allies in other Commonwealth of Independent States countries, look for an ally with the power to challenge the Antichrist, a logical choice will be to turn to the nation that has armed, protected, and encouraged the Muslim world in virtually every attempt they have made to annihilate little Israel. That ally will be Russia.

Is this the way it will happen? Time alone will tell. But with the alliances now in existence and in the process of being forged between Russia and the Islamic world, let’s say it is plausible. And, we might add, given the violent surge by Islamic radicals to seize the world for Allah, with Israel and Jerusalem clearly the first priority, the scenario doesn’t seem so farfetched after all.

1 thought on “A Likely Scenario

  1. Gog/Magog isn’t in view in Matthew 24; that campaign is post-rapture but pre-trib so a false scenario is presented here, one of Mr. McQuaid’s few flaws

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