6 thoughts on “Called to be a Living Sacrifice Roman 12-16”
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I thank God for this. Transforming. The Lord impressed Romans 12:1-2 in my heart last night and I woke up to study on this subject. Am blessed for this resource.
Very well presented. Thank you.
The part I took in is that I had to die first, come alife and start living for Christ. The dieing is so key. I can not present the old sinful unrenewed mind and body but must first present the transformed self. Even when not fully transformed because I am now alive in Him I continue to grow from glory to glory and virtue in the Lord.
May the good Lord help us to present as Paul asked and leave the rest to God.
Yes. I so enjoyed reading “Called To Be A Living Sacrifice”. I have been searching for what it exactly meant “to be a living sacrice”. This reading has provided an excellent explaination. It was well broken down. Thank you. All I can say is, Look at God. I do have a home church and will express my findings and afford the pastor that this is how bible study needs to be taught.
Again, thank you and God Bless.
I’m pleased to go through such a wonderful sermon, it encouraged me alot. As a pastor I really take it as a full revolution of every Christian life. It needs to reach the world.
I need to spend more time on these until I’m transformed into who God desires just as the Holy Spirit moved Paul to declare these revelations.
Holy Spirit help me.
Thank God for allowing you to open up this scripture. It is often quoted, but few really get it. Presenting, and acceptable is what most stood out for me. God will not force us, and we can’t just present any old type of life too Him. We must acknowledge Him and live according to will and purpose for our lives. If we do this it will make the journey less troublesome or difficult. Thanks for everything. Be blessed!