Christian Persecution Jan/Feb 2016

Muslims fleeing the Islamic State (ISIS) hurled as many as 53 Christians overboard during a crossing from Libya last year. In another incident, witnesses said Muslims “went mad” when they saw a boy praying to Jehovah. They started screaming, “Allahu Akbar!”and began hurling Christians into the sea.

Unfortunately, Muslim persecution of Christians doesn’t stop even when both groups are fleeing a common enemy. In fact, it is spreading to the West. Below is an excerpt of a column by Raymond Ibrahim, an expert on Islam and Christian persecution. For the full report, titled “Christians Persecuted by Muslims Even in the West,” we encourage you to go to

Muslim refugees in the Swedish city of Kalmar forced Christian refugees out of public housing after harassing and threatening them. It gets worse. When the Christians finally make it to Western shores, they are attacked by Muslims, or fellow “refugees.”

In Germany, Muslim refugees are attacking and intimidating Christians fleeing Syria, Iraq, and Kurdistan and imposing Sharia Law in the refugee centers. Gottfried Martens, pastor of a south Berlin church, said, “Very religious Muslims are spreading the following idea throughout the refugee centers: Sharia Law rules wherever we are.” For Muslims who come to Christ, he said, “There is a 100 percent chance that these people will be attacked.”

In Sweden, two Christian refugee families were abused by approximately 80 Muslim refugees from Syria. The Christians, who thought they had escaped ISIS, left the Swedish asylum house, fearing for their lives.

In Denmark, according to a study, “Christian asylum seekers are repeatedly exposed to everything from harassment to threats and physical abuse by other refugees in the asylum centers, simply because they have converted from Islam to Christianity.” Said Niels Eriksen Nyman, who led the study, “We have a serious problem here.”

Unfortunately, such persecution is not limited to refugees. Christians of Mideast or Asian backgrounds who have lived in the West for years are also being targeted. In October 2015 in Gothenburg, Sweden, Markus Samuelsson found the walls of his restaurant covered with jihadi graffiti, including the messages “Convert or Die” and “The Caliphate is Here.” ISIS is known to mark Christian homes and businesses before attacks.

Just as they are hounded in Muslim-majority nations, Christian refugees and even longtime residents of Europe are persecuted by Muslims—people who are being allowed into Europe on the pretext that they are being persecuted.

(ISIS claims it has smuggled more than 4,000 terrorists into Europe by hiding them among the refugees—Ed.)

In accordance with Islam’s Rule of Numbers—which holds that as Muslims grow in number, so does their “anti-infidel” hostility—all European nations with sizable Muslim populations are experiencing what it means to live side by side with Islam.

As millions more Muslims continue to flood the continent, they will behave as they do in the Islamic world; and native Christians themselves will be persecuted. That is, after all, exactly how the “Muslim world”—most of which rests on lands that were once Christian but were taken by the jihad—came into being.

by Raymond Ibrahim(

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