Christian Persecution May/Jun 2016

PAKISTAN—A group of Muslim men in Pakistan recently abducted a 7-year-old Christian boy, gang-raped him, then strangled him to death with a rope.

One week later, in a different region of Pakistan, another group of Muslim men mauled three young Christian girls—killing one—for fleeing the men’s unwelcome sexual advances.

According to Raymond Ibrahim, an expert on Islam and Christian persecution, the Muslim men went into the Christian district of the Bahawalnagar region of Pakistan to kidnap the young boy, and locals found the child’s body dumped in a field the next day.

Wrote Ibrahim, “Interestingly, while the NY Daily News, the Independent, and other media state that the boy was seized from a ‘Christian district,’ the original report…in the International New York Times’ Express Tribune, avoids mentioning the religious identity of either rapists or raped. It even fails to mention that this atrocity took place in Pakistan and merely names the region, Bahawalnagar….Perhaps the NYT’s Express Tribune does not want readers to connect the dots and realize that ‘rich and drunk’ Muslims regularly rape and kill Christian ‘infidels’ in Pakistan.”

Although homosexual rape is unIslamic, Ibrahim explained, dehumanizing and killing non-Muslims is Islamic. That is why, he said, “even non-practicing Muslims—such as drunk and/or homosexual Muslims—are conditioned to look down upon Christian ‘infidels,’ deeming it their right to use and abuse them at will.”

Ibrahim said according to Wilson Chowdhry, chairman of the British Pakistani Christian Association, “Parts of Pakistani culture have a strong homosexual pederast culture, and Christian and other minority boys are especially susceptible to rape and abuse because of the powerlessness of their community and their despised status.”

In another article, Ibrahim reported that a week after that murder, four young Muslim men accosted three young Christian girls—ages 17, 18, and 20—in the Lahore region while the girls were walking home from work. “The men ‘misbehaved,’ yelled ‘suggestive and lewd comments,’ and harassed the girls to get in their car for ‘a ride and some fun,’” Ibrahim said.

When the girls refused, Ibrahim said, the men grew more violent and began to threaten them. Terrified, the girls tried to run away. According to Ibrahim, Chowdhry reported that one of the men yelled, “How dare you run away from us! Christian girls are only meant for one thing—the pleasure of Muslim men.”

Ibrahim continued, “The Muslim men chased the girls and ran their car into them. Two girls crashed to the ground; one’s hip was broken, the other’s ribs were shattered. The youngest, Kiran Masih, aged 17, flew up in the air and crashed into the speeding car’s windshield. The Muslims, laughing and with the girl still on the windshield, accelerated. Eventually the driver slammed on the brakes, hard. The force of the stop catapulted the girl into the air. She then crashed to the ground, cracking her skull open and smashing her bones. Within minutes she was dead.”

Such accounts are common in Pakistan. A local source told Ibrahim, “It is shameful. Such incidents occur frequently. Christian girls are considered goods to be damaged at leisure. Abusing them is a right. According to the community’s mentality it is not even a crime. Muslims regard them as spoils of war.” Pakistani police, Ibrahim said, are reportedly doing little to apprehend the perpetrators.

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