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Freedom, democracy, personal rights, national liberties. Radical Islam is out to destroy them all. And Christianity ranks just as high on the Islamic hit list.
Whether the world knows it or not, it desperately needs a Savior. This article looks at the life-changing power God provided through the Incarnation.
Some waited for years and were sure when they saw Him. Others are still waiting. Can we truly identify “he that should come”? Yes!
How can we know that Jesus’ claims about Himself are true? Examine man’s twofold dilemma and God’s gracious, twofold solution.
Many great doctrines of Christianity appeared first in the Old Testament. Come to the Psalms for a look at Jesus’ resurrection, ascension, and return.
Professor Bookman,
Sir, Your write-up has been very helpful to me in the few minutes I have read through. I value the efforts and resources you committed (sacrificed) to make this possible.
Sir, I am Ernest Jnr Frimpong, a Ghanaian postgraduate candidate in RELIGIOUS STUDIES (Biblical Studies, option). I am writing my thesis on the “Messiahship of Jesus in the light of Zechariah 9.9-11 and Matthew 21.1-11 and its implications for World Peace”.
My Aim: To investigate (by exegesis) the relevance of Jesus’ messiahship to world peace
Problem: There have been insufficient solutions from persons, personalities, societies, nations and world unions in trying to ensure world peace. However, attempts have been less hopeful if not completely futile. There is therefore an urgent need and call for world peace.
1. What is Biblical response to how national wars and global wars could be settled and or prevented?
2. How do the two texts justify Jesus as the messiah? or What is the relationship between ‘Messiah’ and ‘Jesus’ according to the periscopes of Zechariah and Matthew?
3. How does the Messiahship of Jesus in the Judeo-Christian Scriptures provide any assurance and solution of world peace and wars respectively?
Sir, please I would be very grateful if you have any literature that could help me. Also, I plead if you could give me some sub-headings/outline of what my Literature Review should involve.
Thank you, Sir.
Much regards,
Ernest Jnr