Daniel’s 70 Weeks

If you adhere to the literalist-premillennialist interpretation of Daniel’s prophecy of 70 weeks (Dan. 9:24–27), here is what you believe: The 70th “week” (seven-year period, also known as the Tribulation) still remains unfulfilled. At its conclusion, Christ will return and reign over Earth for a literal 1,000 years (a millennium), after which the Kingdom is handed up to the Father (1 Cor.

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3 thoughts on “Daniel’s 70 Weeks

  1. I’m not really following your argument. The post-mill interpretation is the only one that works. Here’s how. The 70 weeks are over. The Olivet discourse was a warning regarding the fall of Jerusalem in 70AD. What it clearly isn’t is a warning to anyone outside of the geographical areas mentioned in the text, or are we not supposed to read that literally? At the end of the 70th week, the old religion was destroyed with the temple and Jesus now sits on the throne of David. 2,000 years on if you can’t see the kingdom that has grown like a mustard seed from a tiny group in the 1st century, you aren’t looking very hard.

  2. Excellent, …logical and fitting in with other Scriptures, especially those that touch on the same prophetic subjects…all dealing with the biggest and most talked about event in Scripture…Christ´s second coming and conquest. Your other article dealing with Antiochus and Antichrist also bring logic and coherence in contrast to what is sometimes promoted by commentators.

    Thank you. Excellent. Excellent. May God be glorified and praised through the correct renderings of His holy Scriptures. Dios melo bendiga as they say here in Central Mexico…God bless.

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