Dark Innovation: The Role of Technology in Revelation 13

Imagine a world of the future. It is a desperate world where human beings are controlled by a single, tyrannical power. If we look behind the curtain to see what energizes this power, we find something much more sinister than a corrupt political agenda or master plan of greed. We find a plot hatched by the dark prince of the universe whose ambition it is to become God. The book of Revelation pr

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13 thoughts on “Dark Innovation: The Role of Technology in Revelation 13

  1. My contribution to this topic is my just published third book (6 chapters, 137 pages) entitled:
    What if Artificial Intelligence Hallucinations Lead to Revelation 13:14-17?:
    Amalgamation of chipping, super artificial intelligence, metaverse, quantum computing & satellite tech for the dawn of Technology as Religion with human and machine deities

    This book uniquely presents a thought provoking discussion centred on Revelation 13:14-17. The book builds the modern day “mark” and the “image” as espoused in Revelation 13:14-17 through the amalgamation of chipping, quantum computing, metaverse, satellite based advanced technologies and super artificial intelligence (AI). Discussions are presented on how the modern day “image” will emulate life and speak. More discussions on the role of deception and AI hallucinations scenarios leading to Revelation 13:14-17 are vividly presented and the six things they will cause. The book reveals that the global population will become a dichotomy classified as chipped or unchipped. The book further proceeds to reveal the role of AI hallucinations in the emergence of reverence of machine and human. In other words, the dawn of technology as a global religion with “forced” worship of “tech gods” and machine deities. Potential ameliorating approaches are also presented where appropriate. Technology is moving towards becoming awry and it will be difficult to reverse.

  2. The mark of the beast is the number of a man’s name; to mean the digital IDs has a QR code where you can scan it with your smartphone to reveal whose Id’s you have scanned. The same QR code will be attached to your voice, fingerprint and face recognition.

  3. Pornography is all over the internet and accessible by mobile phones and it’s all basically free. American Mothers and Fathers, on a large scale(but certainly not all of them) have let their guard down with regards to their children and their children’s mobile devices. And that’s even the parents that have safeguards, as anyone with basic common sense knows children usually have friends who will have their own ill- scrutinized devices that are unprotected. Furthermore, adults are considered God’s children so just think of all the poor adults who have succumbed to the twisted images. Think of the impact pornography has has on the young minds of millions of children over the years and yet WE have done nothing. And here I am, ironically…, hypocritically on this stupid vile thing. But someone mentioned above that there is still yet time and hope so must use this time to warn those to get off these dastardly devices before it’s too late. And I suppose follow instructions- just look and wait and watch. Something like a large earthquake…..The Kingdom is at hand

  4. The beast is BOTH a nonhuman world leader and a empire that will devour the entire unbelieving world. Such as the Prince of Persia mentioned in the Book of Daniel, who was either a demon or a fallen angel. He was a supernatural being that controlled Persia, so the first beast is BOTH a world empire and a person. The Second beast has two horns like a lamb; i.e., the false impression that global peace is part of his agenda, but he spake as a Dragon (i.e., his words are DECEIVING).

    1. We don’t know yet, but it is looking that way. My spiritual encounter showed me that electricity could be manipulated within a “spiritual prison,” of my test. That is enough for me to believe that AI could be manipulated by those same forces. Especially if we think within the context of Revelations and my test was scripture in Revelations 2.

      2:10 Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer: behold, the devil shall cast some of you into prison, that ye may be tried; and ye shall have tribulation ten days: be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life.

      That is literally ten earth days. Scary isn’t it, but I’m glad that I had to endure it, because it straightened me back up real quick and gives me a sense of calm amidst the odd times.

  5. I was led to this by God and I’m just glad that me and my husband are not on the wrong path. So much have attacked us since we came together but faith and perseverance, prayer, and belief are the only way we are making it. We have conversations all the time about this, but to go see if anyone else is figuring out this Bible and not just listening really makes me thank the lord for a pre destined life,so many will not be ready. Me and my husband will be. I can’t explain it, but it’s a different light once you ask and seek for true knowledge. Thank you for this article….

  6. The mark of the beast is a digital number attached to your identity which allows digital commerce no transfer of tangible goods without digital identity virus has accomplished the new age of digital transfer of goods identity security is where the mark is made absolute only other way is bartering but can only be done in a small community large scale distribution of goods can only be accomplished digitally because identity security is the problem and only block chain and sattelite can handle the security and data for such large scale commerce security is the issue God told us this before hand he keeps data also in books and angels help with the keeping the data just accept Jesus Christ and get saved and you will find your way to peace and everlasting life

  7. I was asking the Lord last night when I got home from work, to show if there is any truth to the belief that we are in the last days.
    Later on that night, I was looking at Revelation 13 and looking up the meaning of certain words.
    The word “count” or “calculate “ the number of the beast, actually means to compute.
    We all have a “device”, ie our mobile phones, that we use to buy and sell now.
    Many people already do all their shopping online.
    The word “device “ comes from the Old French “devis” from Latin “divisus”, past participle of “dividere” (to divide), thus originally, when goods were being divided among people, a mark put on each item to say who was getting what.
    Is this “device” in fact our mobile phone and the Mark is what we choose to follow on them.
    The “number of a man” in verse 18, the word man is “anthropos” which refers to the countenance or man faced.
    It comes from the word “aner” which means a man and from the word “optanomai” which means to gaze at, with wide open eyes, as at something remarkable and thus differing from the word “blepo” which means to look at, behold, be aware, perceive, see, regard, sight, take heed etc. Which denotes simply voluntary observation. And from the word “eido” which expresses merely passive or casual vision.
    We can see just about everyone staring at their phones as if mesmerized and taking in or believing whatever they read.
    They say there is coming a time, and even now is, that students don’t need to learn anything at school, they can just “Google it.”
    This device, which marks us by what we allow into our minds, the mark on our minds, can either be for good or for evil.
    Every person that has a phone, has a number already and we are recognized by that number in many areas of technology.
    Is the very thing we are probably holding in our hand right now, the “device”, the division, the mark of which is either the mark of the beast on our forehead (mind) or the mark of God.
    People worship their phones and social media, fake news etc, instead of the word of truth, the Bible.
    It says in Revelation 19:20 that the beast and the false prophet deceived those that received the “mark” of the beast and those who had worshipped his image, ie. screen time.
    How many Christians have been led astray by false teachings and so called “science “ to believe the lie instead of the truth.

  8. One thing to consider. Are we sure God will help anyone left behind? You say he helped the Israelites during their Exodus. God was present in the world as they went through the Exodus.

    I understand that when the tribulation comes that God will turn his back on the whole world and will not be present. The Church will be raptured and it will be a literal, “Hell on Earth.” This ties in to Revelation speaking there has never been a time like this before.

    We can only hope that God will have something to help in place for those brothers and sisters during the tribulation.

    God bless!

  9. I believe that Christians are missing the big picture of Revelation 13 — they can’t see the forest because there are too many trees in the way. I believe Rev 13 actually makes a lot of sense if we view it as an allegorical description of the rise of Science and Technology. I.e., the first beast symbolizes the ORGANized BODY of knowledge of modern science, the scientific team spirit, and all the scientists in the world acting as a team to advance science. The second beast of Rev 13, the one that works all the great signs, similarly symbolizes modern technology at large. And together, Science and Technology form a powerful partnership. Science changes what people think about the universe they live in, and their part in that universe. And Technology changes the way people live, travel, communicate, go to war, etc.

    Notice that one of the dictionary definitions of “technology” is “applied science.” That fits in with Rev 13, because it is the second beast’s job to demonstrate the power of the first, by using that power to work many great signs. And that’s what modern technology does: it demonstrates the great power of science, by using that power to work many great signs.

    Perhaps the greatest sign of all, so far, was the Tsar Bomba hydrogen bomb test done by the USSR back in 1961. While the USA had made and tested the first H-bomb back in 1952, Tsar Bomba was over three times as powerful as any bomb made by the USA. Its energy release was equal to 50 million tons of TNT, its fireball was 5 miles in diameter, and an unprotected observer standing 60 miles away would have gotten 3rd degree burns.

    Was this a demonstration of the great power of the USSR and communism? Well, that might have been what they intended. But really, it was a demonstration of the great power of modern physics. Those Russian physicists know and understand pretty much the same physics as American physicists. It was another demonstration of Francis Bacon’s famous aphorism, “Scientia potentia est,” which means, “Scientific knowledge is equal to technological power.”

    So if raw, brute technological power is what most turns you on, by all means, worship the wisdom of modern physics, which is the main source of this power. And create an AI (artificial intelligence) in the image of all man’s science, to personify science, and transform Science into a man-made living god! (Just kidding. You shouldn’t really do this.)

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