From the Editor Jan/Feb 2018

When I was a brand new believer many years ago, a wonderful woman in my church invited me to her home for lunch. I knew nothing about Christian doctrine. All I knew was that I was a sinner, Jesus had died for me personally and paid for my sins with His blood, and I loved Him.

She knew a whole lot more. Besides teaching me how to make stewed tomatoes that afternoon, she taught me about the Rapture. She told me that someday all born-again believers will be miraculously transported to heaven in the twinkling of an eye. Our born-again loved ones who predeceased us will be raised from the dead at that time, and we all will meet Jesus in the air and ascend with Him. How wonderful, I thought. God is so incredibly good. And I loved Him even more.

One of my favorite verses is 1 Corinthians 2:9: “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.”

We cannot even imagine the glorious future God has planned. Perhaps that’s one reason fewer people teach about the Rapture these days: They can’t envision it. It’s beyond the understanding of human, finite minds. But it is real and constitutes the grand finale of the Church Age and the resumption of God’s program for Israel.

I don’t know about you, but I’m thrilled God loves us more than we can even imagine and has prepared something as wonderful as the Rapture for His church. As Annie J. Flint declared in her hymn “He Giveth More Grace,”

His love has no limits, His grace has no measure,
His power no boundary known unto men;
For out of His infinite riches in Jesus
He giveth, and giveth, and giveth again.

This issue of Israel My Glory is devoted to the doctrine of the Rapture. I hope it gives you much-needed hope and confidence in God during these difficult days and inspires you to serve with your whole heart the Lord who has devised such a wonderful plan for those who love Him.

We’ve also added a new feature this year called “The Berean Box,” where David Levy will answer important doctrinal questions and explain passages in God’s Word that many people misunderstand.

May God bless you abundantly with His matchless love and grace in 2018.

Waiting for His Appearing,
Lorna Simcox


From the Editor Jan/Feb 2018

When I was a brand new believer many years ago, a wonderful woman in my church invited me to her home for lunch. I knew nothing about Christian doctrine. All I knew was that I was a sinner, Jesus had died for me...

Upside Down

Surveying the current geopolitical landscape can give me a headache. The world is embroiled in a spiritual battle. Right is made to look wrong; wrong is made to look right; security threats loom large; and if we don’t keep our eyes on the Lord...

The Rapture

When the word Rapture is mentioned, responses differ. Some people know it refers to Christ coming to take the church to heaven. Others incorrectly associate the rapture with Christ’s Second Coming. Still others have no idea...


Rapture, Antichrist, and Tribulation are words Josiah Hesse associates with his apocalyptic upbringing—an upbringing he says was built on “the urgency of avoiding hell.” In his article “Apocalyptic upbringing: how I recovered from...

When Is It?

Christ’s premillennial Second Coming to Earth is evident even from a casual reading of the Scriptures. The Bible, taken at face value, clearly states the Messiah will return to establish His worldwide, earthly Kingdom, headquartered in Jerusalem .

What We’re Spared

Think of the worst disasters in history. They’re nothing compared to what lies ahead—but not for the bride of Christ. “Husband Charged With Domestic Violence.” It’s an all-too-familiar headline. Sometimes the offender is a celebrity...

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