From the Editor May/Jun 2021

Shortly after I became a Christian in 1980, I was invited to a luncheon sponsored by the local branch of a nondenominational, evangelical Christian organization. It held afternoon luncheons every month, offering fashion shows; craft fairs; and interesting, fun presentations that attracted young, upwardly mobile women.

In those days, the luncheons in my area drew almost 200 women a month. The main event, however, wasn’t the secular part of the program. It was the speaker, who gave her testimony and an invitation to receive Jesus as Savior.

I loved those get-togethers and got to know Christian women from almost all the local Bible-believing churches. As I grew in my faith and became more involved in the ministry, a friend said to me, “You know, a lot of organizations reach out to the down and out. We reach out to the up and out.”

The truth is that everyone needs Jesus. Whether we’re down and out or up and out, without Him we’re still “out.” We’re out of fellowship with God. We’re out of heaven. We have no hope of eternal life and no indwelling Holy Spirit to guide us. Jesus said, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. Do not marvel that I said to you, ‘You must be born again’” (Jn. 3:3, 7).

This issue of Israel My Glory is all about the importance of being born again. It’s about the power of the gospel and how Jesus Christ can take someone who is down and out or up and out and change that person’s life for the good for eternity.

You’ll read testimonies from the Aviv Center, one of the many ministries you help support by contributing to our Israel Relief Fund. And you’ll read stories from our staff, some of whom you may know personally. All show that no matter what your background is, Jesus can change your life.

If you’re not sure what the gospel is, or if you don’t know for certain you’re going to heaven when you die, don’t miss “What Is the Gospel?” on page 28 and “A B C” on page 32. There is nothing more wonderful or rewarding in this life than having a personal relationship with God. He alone can give you love, hope, peace, joy, and life everlasting. And He promises, “I will never leave you nor forsake you” (Heb. 13:5). Once you are His, you are His forever!

This issue of the magazine is special to me. I hope it will be to you too.

Waiting for His Appearing,
Lorna Simcox


From the Editor May/Jun 2021

Shortly after I became a Christian in 1980, I was invited to a luncheon sponsored by the local branch of a nondenominational, evangelical Christian organization...

A Letter to My Dad

Another Father’s Day is just around the corner. My dad passed away in 2008; and at age 97, my mom still misses him. Perhaps that was why she showed me...

From Death to Life

Population 4.18 million. Situated like a jewel by the beautiful Mediterranean Sea, it beckons to tourists from around the world to enjoy its nonstop nightlife...

Getting the ‘Package Deal’

“What do you mean you became a Christian at 21? Aren’t you a pastor’s daughter?” an older gentleman asked me...

He Never Let Go

My story begins with my father, who was enjoying recognition as a successful research chemist despite two big problems: He was a functioning alcoholic and an atheist...

What is the Gospel?

Many years ago, my wife and I were invited to dinner at the home of a prominent older woman. She knew governors and senators and had been friends with Albert Einstein...

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