God’s Throne Revealed Revelation 4:1–11

Questions about heaven are always at the center of a believer’s thinking, especially questions dealing with the appearance of and activities in heaven. Through the eyes of John, believers are permitted a gaze on the awe-inspiring spiritual realities surrounding God and His throne. In the portion of Revelation examined in this article, the apostle tried to put into words the indescribable glory h

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4 thoughts on “God’s Throne Revealed Revelation 4:1–11

  1. Dear Saints of the Most High God, Special Christian greetings to you in the Name of our Lord and Savior Redeemer Yahshua who is soon to come. To be honest your website really contains the accurate truth of the Bible nothing but the whole truth. Continue being faithful to Him who called you and sent you for many be called but very few are chosen who are blessed like you. I hope and trust the Almighty God is looking after you very much for the miraculous work you are doing by proclaiming the Everlasting Gospel which is needed in these last days of the Earth’s history and very soon you will be rewarded. God bless you all and May His coming rejoice your hearts.
    With lots of Christian love,

  2. in a way if God the Father is seated on the throne in Revelation 4 and then the Lamb which represents Jesus, the son, it should be another reason not to believe in postmillenialism. since the son is not seated on the throne until Revelation 11:15 and then again in Revelation 20:11 .. and i saw a great white throne and Him who sat upon it from whose presence earth and heaven fled away and no place was found for them.

  3. Thank you for your website and we are in need Bibles in our local language only 50 copies and tracts for free distribution to unsaved souls. Ezekiel 33:6-9; Matthew 24:14.
    Brother DAVID LEVY, share the Christian greetings to all brethren there.

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God’s Throne Revealed Revelation 4:1–11

Questions about heaven are always at the center of a believer’s thinking, especially questions dealing with the appearance of and activities in heaven. Through the eyes of John, believers are permitted a gaze...

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