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What constitutes a “call” for a person of God? Is it a mystical experience that seemingly only a few receive? Is it that still small voice of God that speaks to us in our confusion?
Was Ezekiel a paranoid schizophrenic? If not, he must, according to some writers, at least have had an abnormal personality. To lovers of the Bible, such a diagnosis of a biblical prophet is nothing short...
A few short months ago, a bill was introduced in the Congress of the United States to recognize city of Jerusalem as Israel’s national capital and move the U.S. Embassy to the city by 1999.
Ezekiel 38–39 foretells a massive future invasion “of Israel by the armed forces of six nations. Five of those nations are identified in 38:5–6 with the names they bore in Ezekiel’s time.
Soon after the Lord delivered the children of Israel from their bondage in Egypt, He gave Moses instructions to build the Tabernacle. The work was done according to God’s plan, and when it was completed...
Questions about heaven are always at the center of a believer’s thinking, especially questions dealing with the appearance of and activities in heaven. Through the eyes of John, believers are permitted a gaze...
Based on all the facts presented in God’s word, the timing can only be at one coming time in the future. The only timing that makes sense is post-rapture and pre-trib; it will lead to the peace accord that begins the time we call the “Tribulation.” As many people do, Dr. Showers placed the timing at the mid-point. But keep in mind that the dead of Gog/Magog will be buried for a period of 7 months after this campaign and most prophecy “experts” say Israel will do the burying. That makes absolutely no sense since Jews will have to flee Israel at the mid-point. To be seen publicly would mean their own instant death. Some place it at the end but that would be too close to Armageddon which would also make no sense. The rapture is the event that closes the church age and begins the shifting of God’s focus back to Israel. This is confirmed in Ezekiel 39:24, 25-“I dealt with them according to their uncleanness and their transgressions, and hid my face from them.
The LORD Will Restore Israel
25“Therefore thus says the Lord GOD: Now I will restore the fortunes of Jacob and have mercy on the whole house of Israel, and I will be jealous for my holy name.” Incidentally, this battle will follow the war of Psalm 83 which not many people seem to be aware of. This view is the only one I can make any sense of that fitsall the facts.