If I Forget You, O Jerusalem

Jewish people the world over cling to the land, the city, and the Temple—a bond they affirm each year at Tisha B’Av. Listen to Chris Katulka’s interview with Steve Herzig about this article (begins @ 2:00). Among the many things God cares about, three stand out: Israel, Jerusalem, and the Temple. During my Hebrew-school days, I learned about these things in multiple ways. From the J

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6 thoughts on “If I Forget You, O Jerusalem

  1. What further proof do we need. The bible was written & established as the Word of God, long long
    before Mohammadism came into being. The very rocks that are part of the current wailing wall
    are from the temple area. Jesus said, if you silence the children’s voice, “the rocks will cry out”, and that is precisely what is happening. With all the archaeological excavations, the stones tell the
    story of the temple, and all that took place there. Thank you Steve for making the point…all of
    the UN participants should have that as required reading. Blessings & Shalom, Henry Hooge.

  2. Every knee shall bow, every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord..
    Blessed be Jerusalem and her King ..
    All glory to God forever and ever!

  3. Jesus predicted the destruction of the temple. God is sovereign, and no matter what people believe as to whether or not there was a Jewish Temple in Jerusalem, God and His plan will play out in the end. The focus should be on praying and sharing the Gospel with the Jewish people. God has a Jewish remnant who come and will come to believe, and they will be grafted back into the tree.

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