Israel in the News Jul/Aug 2012

No ‘Hatikva’ for Arab Grads Many Arab graduates from Hebrew University in Israel refused to sing Israel’s national anthem at recent graduation ceremonies. “This is not a single event,” said someone who attended, “but a symptom of a much larger phenomenon in which Israeli Arabs refuse to recognize the Jewish character of the state. We lie to ourselves as a people: They enjoy everyth

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Has the Dream Lost Its Luster?

When Zionism first appeared, it bore the dreams of a persecuted people and had the blessing of much of the Western world. A lot has changed over the years, as you’ll see here.

The Push to Reinvent Christianity

Out with the old gospel, in with the new. That seems to be mainstream Christianity’s new direction. Is it biblical? Judge for yourself.

Palestinian Liberation Theology

Scripture says people of all ethnicities become one in the body of Christ. Sadly, a new doctrine is building a wall between brothers, rather than tearing one down.

How Compromise is Paving the Road to Apostasy

The great apostasy foretold in Scripture is coming, and it may surprise you to see how some things that appear insignificant can be influential indeed.

Camels, Gnats, and the Importance of Doctrine

Did you know a high percentage of Christians really don’t know what they believe? This excellent article takes a look at what’s important and what’s not.

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