Jim Showers Assumes Position of Executive Director

Dr. James A. Showers took the reins this month as president and executive director of The Friends of Israel (FOI), becoming only the fifth man to do so in the 74-year history of the organization that was founded in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, by Christians determined to help Europe’s beleaguered Jewish population. He was appointed by the board of directors in November 2011 to succeed William

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4 thoughts on “Jim Showers Assumes Position of Executive Director

  1. Hello,

    I know who you are..I have made an inquiry about your leadership with the company in 1982. I went to Israel in Sept. of 82 with your group..I never got a response except this email for a contribution.
    My friend Mark Robinson and John Harmeling introduced me to Friends and I spent a lot of time with Marvin Rosenthal..especially with his sister Marion.

  2. I’ve been reading an article you wrote in May/June 2020 “Israel My Glory”, in which you said that a Jewish friend told you that the US is the only place Jewish people have lived without the threat of open anti-Semitism. With respect, Australia is another country to which Jewish people have fled to for exactly the same reason. In fact, recently I heard a Jewish lady being interviewed on the radio who said that she loved our country for that very reason. She felt safe. She felt accepted. Over here, we hear more ‘hate speech’ from the USA regarding Jewish people

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