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Eckhart Tolle, Jeremiah Wright, Jimmy Carter. Believe it or not, they all have something in common. And if you love the Lord, love your country, and love Israel, you won’t be too happy about it.
God has always kept His promises. And the prima facie evidence of His faithful- ness is the experience of His ancient cove- nant people, Israel.
Although many people, including some Christians, deny that Israel’s return to the land is biblical, they are wrong. It is extremely biblical. And here’s why.
The great deluge of Noah’s day did not come without a warning from God. Today researchers studying catastrophic plate tectonics present a flood model that is nothing less than horrific.
This summer marks the 45th anniversary of the ruling that outlawed reading the Bible and reciting the Lord’s Prayer in America’s public schools. But there’s more. Read on.
This was a nice article. I’m a Jew born anew now for 40 years. I never understood end times stuff and just assumed the scholars were right. I believe the 70th week of Daniel is almost over. At the beginning of the 70th week Messiah was cut off, not for Himself. For who? The Holy Spirit. Jesus began the ministry 3.5 years before He was crucified. In the middle of the week He put an end to sacrifice because Jesus is the last and only sacrifice. The 2nd 3.5 years is Time, Times, Half a Time. Daniel 12:7. Its the same as 1260 days, 42 months. The church is the Holy Place on earth. Matthew 24:15 is Trump. 2Thess2 is here. The church is fallen. Revelation 13:11-16 is America. The Image of the Beast is TV, movies, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, tik-tok, etc. It’s what we made. The Mark of the Beast is sin. Exodus 13;16, Revelation 13:16, Matt 5:29. Anti-gay is Anti-Christ’s word. The church is HURTING PEOPLE FOR JESUS TODAY. I pray God helps you see the end is at hand. Desolation is coming to America. Then Zechariah 14.
J. Vernon McGee ordinarily was a very solid Bible teacher. Yet on the subject of Israel he had many shortcomings. One was that of his denial of Israel being regathered into the land in 1948. For whatever reason he failed to see that God’s promise of regathering encompassed a two-fold prophecy. First, Israel would be restored physically to the land but apart from faith. THEN after the rapture of the church and with the battle of Gog/Magog before the coming Tribulation God would return His primary focus to His people and restore them to a faith relationship culminating with their belief in Messiah
I am aware that J. Vernon McGee did not recognize the 1948 formation of Israel to exist once again as a State as a fulfillment of prophecy, but I have not been able to find his reasoning on this. I certainly agree and can not imagine any reasoning that could possibly doubt that the current restoration is the third and final restoration of Israel prior to the return of Christ. Are you aware however of anywhere that documents the reasoning of J. Vernon McGee on this subject?