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Never detach racism from (militant) Arab terror in Israel
Whether terror attacks were/are linked and/or supported by Palestinian Authority; Hamas official government in Gaza, Islamic Jihad; Islamic Republic of Iran, etc.
One can never detach racism from Arab terror in Israel, especially, as long as Israeli victims of Arab terrorism (shootings, bombing, stabbing, car rammings, rocks into car windows), and even potential civilian victims of massive foiled constant attacks, are not any way near 20% Arab, the equivalent of its population percentage in Israel.
Moreover, Arab terrorists specifically go out of their way to target Jewish areas.
Also, bombers, shooters and the like, were/are aided by other Arabs, living inside Israel, to aim at Jews, specifically.
Arab terrorists will make the extra effort not to cause Arab casualties, as much as they can. Though the risk to their “brothers” is at times high, but hatred of Jews, still overrules. (Which explains, though disgustingly, the practice of using it’s own people as shields when firing on Israelis. The routine which began, at least by Arafat in 1980).
The following classic is so telling of the racist Arab anti-Jewish motivation and nature in terrorism (August 4, 2002, bus #361, Meron junction, massacre):
To Protect and To Serve: Policing in an Age of Terrorism, David Weisburd, Thomas Feucht, Idit Hakimi,2009,Social Science, p.183
For example, in the year 2002 Israel was plagued by a wave of terrorism attacks, and … An Arab student from the village of Be’ana in the Galilee, Yasra Bakri, who was on the bus that same morning, was accused of failing to prevent the attack. During the course of the bus trip, Bakri was warned by the suicide bomber to get off before the imminent explosion. She and her friend got off the bus and did not report the possible commitment of a crime to any of the security agencies, including the police.
Besides the religious intolerance as Jihad, there is that ethnic racial bigotry.
The hype of celebration in Arab-Islsmic “Palestine” street after civilians are killed, is usually also measured by how many Jews are killed.
Sure, there are added also other “factors”, such as, Nationalistic terror and so-called “land” issues as self false justification to target civilians. But the undeniable racism in Arab terror can never be dismissed.
(Ironically, the Israeli court, in 2005 acquitted Yassra Bakri, who heeded the Arab terrorist’s warning and got off the bus before he detonated it and accepted her argument that she wasn’t 100% sure what was going to happen. The anti Israel bigoted attackers who cry “racism” where not related, and repeat that ‘apartheid lie’ on the multi-colour democracy, won’t elaborate on this or on the routine of Israeli court favoring Arabs over Jews, especially regarding land issues).