Muslim-Christian Alliance?

Coexistence with the West is a high agenda item in the world of Islam. For Muslims, there is much to be gained in the Middle East and among Western nations through infusive relationships that will eventually win the day for Allah and his people. Islamic strategists believe that time is on their side—time and the incredible naiveté of Europeans and Americans who, in their view, are ripe to be plucked by the persistent disciples of Muhammad.

A Muslim booklet, Muslim-Christian Alliance, published in Istanbul, Turkey, makes a case for the necessity of an alliance between Christians and Muslims: “Moreover, the Saying of the Prophet Muhammad further states that in the end of time, true pious, devout Christians will unite with Muslims and put a great fight together against the common threat Atheism. For the time being, true devout Muslims must unite not only with their coreligionists, colleagues and fellow brothers, but with true Christian believers by skipping any dispute, since they have to unite urgently against the common enemy, aggressive, dreadful Atheism.”

“In the past,” the booklet records, “the Christian States were not supporting and were not in favor of the Islamic Alliance. But, now both U.S.A. and European countries have to support the unity of Islam and holy Qur’an [Koran] due to rising powers of anarchism …”

While attempting to draw favorable comparisons between Islam and Christianity, their smoke screen evaporates when the objective becomes clear: “Eventually, Christianity will be purified and get rid of all superstitions and misbeliefs and will unite with the true Islamic Religion, thereby Christianity will be in a way transformed into Islam, and by adopting guidance to Qur’an, the Christian community will become a follower of Islam and Islam Religion will be the leader position. The true Religion of Islam will gain a great power as a result of that unification.”

The above statements reflect rather well Islam’s agenda for the conquest of the Western (Christian) community: friendly alliances eventuating in final victory—an Islamic world.

Islam divides the world into two segments: the world of peace and the world of the sword. The world of peace is cradled in the Islamic nations. The world of the sword is the world yet to be conquered.

Islamic strategists believe that time is on their side—time and the incredible naiveté of Europeans and Americans…

The International Muslim Brotherhood, headquartered in the Sudan, is pursuing a plan for the conquest of the Western world. Their current boast is that in the Orient, Islam rules from Indonesia to Malaysia. Islam is supreme in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, the Arabian Peninsula, and the whole of North Africa to; the Atlantic Ocean. Their sights are now set on Europe and the United States.

How do they intend to accomplish their objective? The plan in the Middle East is obvious. Israel, the bastion of democracy and Jewish values, will be destroyed by debilitating peace agreements, terrorism, and, ultimately, wars of eradication. By now we should be well versed in Islam’s glorification of the sword as a holy instrument of conquest. “While we,” they insist, “love our fellow Arabs, we do not shrink from the use of force against all others.” “Sacred is the hatred we indoctrinate into our children.” In the world of Islam, however, the sword is not reserved for the infidel alone. From 1948 to 1985, the Arab world witnessed 54 successful revolutions; 65 more were unsuccessful. During the same period, 30 heads of state or prime ministers were assassinated.

In the West, Muslim tactics take another tack. As indicated above, the call is for interfaith cooperation and tolerance. In fact, infiltration is the key to submerging the West in a sea of Islamic domination. In Brussels, Belgium, the world center for the European Economic Community, for example, there are more mosques than churches. Of the 6,000,000 Muslims in France, 600,000 are eligible to vote. Ironically, this was the figure by which the French president was elected in the most recent election. It is conceivable, therefore, that Islam could wield pivotal influence in French elections in the immediate future. In Holland, with its population of approximately 10,000,000, Muslims already number 500,000 and, given average Muslim birthrates, are a significant force for the country to deal with. Other European countries echo the story, and North America, as we have often documented in Israel My Glory, is caught in the rising wave of Islamic determination to “have it all.”

Perhaps the simple formula articulated by the Muslims themselves is the best way to view their intentions. In their holy war against the infidels of the Judeo-Christian faiths, they declare that they will first reckon with Saturday (that is, conquer the Jews). Then Sunday will succumb to the conquering hordes of the prophet and his god, Allah. Islam will triumph over the “Christian” world.

The most chilling immediate prospect for us all is the fact that since the collapse of the Soviet Union, Islamic fundamentalists have mounted Herculean efforts to obtain nuclear technology and weaponry. Sources report that Iran may now possess at least three operational nuclear bombs. Indeed, the issues that surfaced in the Gulf War are far from being settled. They have only demonstrated that Jihad (Holy War) is an ever-present global menace.

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