My Seven Chapters

 If you had to choose seven chapters from Scripture to tell the story of your personal walk with God, could you do it? Last summer I spoke at a family Bible conference. As I began preparing the messages for the ministry there, I decided to try something unusual and highly personal: telling how I came to faith in Christ from Orthodox Judaism using seven chapters of Scripture. Although theol

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4 thoughts on “My Seven Chapters

  1. Very good article. I immediately thought of 2 chapters for myself. Thanks for including your email. I think I’ll reflect on this and send you my list of 7 chapters

  2. Here is what I believe. Genesis 12:2-3 is ultimately a blessing to Abraham and his seed, which are those that believe in Jesus the Messiah. Paul says that the spiritual seed of Abraham are those who accept His Son.

    Most of the physical blessings that were promised to Israel were contingent if they kept God’s commands. They failed, so God removed His physical blessing. I don’t disagree that Jesus will return and rule in Israel, but only a remnant of the Jews will be saved. The majority of Jews in Israel are secular. If we are to love the Jewish people, it should be because they should embrace their Jewish Messiah, not just because they are God’s physical chosen people.

    And although they are back in the land of Israel does not change the fact that they still do not embrace Jesus as their Messiah. Sadly, most of the Jewish people, like the rest of the world, will accept the Antichrist as their long awaited Messiah.

    In Jesus, there is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female.

    When Jesus reigns, the Jewish remnant will then become what they were meant to become when mortal Jews will lead the mortal Gentiles to the knowledge of God during the Millennium. Then, and only then will the Jewish believers take their position as doubly blessed.

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