19 thoughts on “Preparing for the Third Temple”
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It’s bad enough America’s courts are turning their backs on the nation’s his- toric values. But now something else has arisen that is just as bad—or worse.
Few people know more than Jimmy about what’s happening in Israel today to prepare for the third Temple. Excitement is in the air, as you’ll see here.
Ever been to an outdoor market or a museum in Jerusalem? Journalist Elliot Jager takes you on a stroll through the city to see what everyday life is like for people who live there.
If you find Bible prophecy a bit confusing, this article is perfect for you! It’s clear, concise, and shows unmistakably how end-times events are right around the corner.
Most people know the face of the Middle East is changing. How did the change begin? Where is it heading? The answers are here.
The Ezekiel temple sounds like it is from the millennium when Christ is on earth. (Think about the description of the water flowing out and the trees for healing). But then I don’t understand why there would be sacrifices (Christ suffered once for all…why would there be sacrifices if Christ is present?). And why would people be fishing at the Dead Sea as described? The creation will still be suffering?
as of may 14 2018 the trump organization has funded the rebuilding of Solomon’s temple and the rabbis have the red heffers already from a farm in Texas, The water ritual has already been done and the plans are already in progress for the build. Israel has announced they will build it on the mount moriah and it is already being built as we speak, My question is since this is happening now before the church is raptured , i am unable to find in scripture anything saying that the church will be present during the build or anything along those lines in regards to the rebuilding of solomons temple,and the church, i would love to have some feedback from the church and please be scriptual about i am not looking for cunjecture or opinions only the words of my Father in scripture , i have listened to John Macarthur for a very long time allister bayge , read charles spurgeon , calvin , ryles and many others and have yet to find any signs giving ,,,,,,,,,, thanks a brother in Christ our Lord
Look up Pastor Allen Nolan of Cornerstone Fellowship- his video series on the Book of Revelation is FASCINATING and the best verse by verse study I’ve ever come across.
There can be a peaceful solution to the conflict…the dome of the rock on the temple mount is sitting in the outer court of where the temple sat…Dr. Kaufman found proof the dome of the tablet sat approximately 330 ft northeast of where the mosque sits today…there is already a temple design patent by yisrayl Hawkins who has witnessed to many about a peaceful solution to the conflict based on prophecy…there is a brochure called
The peaceful solution to building of the next temple in yerusalem
The foundation is there…there has been proof approximately 50 feet at western wall that they call a foundation stone…mount Zion was plowed like a field…they buried the foundation to make out like a temple never sat there…Dr. Kaufman’s research and news article about 40 years ago shows proof where temple was.
I believe you are right on track🕎✝️🛐
The angel tells John in Revelation, not to measure the outer court of the temple because it is given to the gentiles. I take that to mean the Dome of the Rock will still be there next to the rebuilt temple. A miraculous occurance will cause the Muslims to share the area.
The 3rd Temple will be rebuilt in Jerusalem.
Then they the media will say we will have true peace !
Then a mentally ill… world leader going to start using nuclear .
Then the nations will retaliate with there .. nukes.
Then 4/5 planet destroyed.
1/5 the Remnant still alive to see messiah return.
The sun darkened.
Painted black.
Then the sky clouds nuclear soot dust
Rolled back in the sky.
So Yahweh will cause the sun too shine again.
Then messiah sent back to earth with millions of heaven Angel’s.
The 1/5 population the Remnant…. will see the rapture not the dead evil ones.
That the Resurrection of the righteous.
When they all resurrected from death.
A loud voice shouts come up here !
And they with the messiah ascended back up to heaven court the sea of glass to be judged and sentenced.
To live or to die cast many into lake of fire.
This the Truth version.
I found the Shalome comment on June 21 to be a bit presumptuous. I will concede that I can’t be certain whether the rapture is coming a thousand years from now or next Tuesday. we read that the rapture will come in a moment that we think not. to say that there are already earthquakes, pestilence, and all the other signs of his coming and then to say these are not bad enough to indicate the rapture is to determine that we can judge how many earthquakes, how many pestilences, etc., must be taking place before the rapture. if we are going to be eating, drinking and giving in marriage, it would appear that things aren’t going to be so bad that we are doing anything different in life than we are now. coming in an hour that ye think not would seem to support this. I would not want to miss the rapture because I was busy counting the number of earthquakes happening around the world.
Greetings from a fellow believer–
My reason for writing is that I would like to offer my structural engineering skills– and my extensive experience as Chief Engineer & Project Manager on many small to large development projects around the world during my long career- – – regards the building of the Third Jerusalem Temple– complete with all the altars- the animal housing section– the sewage and waste disposal systems– and all else connected to this great project.
I offer my services for free, and I have been working on designs that keep the authentic visual appearance but at the same time use the best technologies available to address such issues as Earthquake rated foundations- Water sterilization- Humane & clean facilities for the animals- Composting Sewage Treatment- Water recycling- etc…. and a host of other green & sustainable technologies that are indeed required– but technologies that very few people in Israel would even be aware of.
FURTHER– I have spoken to a select few of my colleagues- and I am quite confident that I can get 60 to 70%– MAYBE MORE– of the construction materials donated…..
Estimated construction time for the temple itself- and the altars- would be 7 months.
and I look forward to your reply & suggestions & ideas–
God Bless
The third Temple will not appear while the man of sin is still on the throne. Bibi -the little horn /son whose time ,times & a half a time = 3.5 X 3.5 + 1.75 = 14yrs is almost up! [1996-1999 & 2009 until NOW -tribulation ]. We are in the last week I believe . Corona virus -great tribulation [Rev 7;14] an event not in diverse places but all over the world……time of silence in heaven now 1/2 hour -1.75 years……maranatha Shalom….Israel.
???nope, we ain’t in the tribulation yet brother. Many of the things Jesus spoke of hasn’t happened yet. Earthquakes are many now, but not significant enough just yet. signs of pestilence is here, but famine and “nation rise against nation” not yet. And the pestilence and famine, war (that is yet to come) is just the BIRTH PAINS. the beginning of sorrows. I think youre getting your eschatology mixed up brother….no harm meant by this comment, I merely want to point out things. Things are bad, but not that bad yet, like how Jesus described it in Matthew 24. Shalom!
It appears the rapture could take place before the temple is built, as christians wont see the antichrist and the tribulation. we are in the birth pains, ready to give birth.
Building of 3d temple can be made in one year! I wouldnt be surprised if trump did it
What are the signs of the second coming and why is the third temple related to that?
I have advised that construction on third temple has commenced. If this is accurate, how long will construction take?
How long will it take to build the third temple for jesus