Prophetic Implications
The stepping aside of the United States, even temporarily, in favor of intervention in the negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians by the European Union brings to mind an end-times scenario. There is a strong indication that the United States brought in Britain’s Prime Minister Tony Blair, on behalf of the European Union, out of frustration and to add weight to the pressure being brought on Israel to concede more territory than Israel feels is appropriate.
According to a recent New York Times poll, Americans are now more sympathetic to Israel’s situation than at any time since polling on the subject began 20 years ago. However, the same poll indicated that only 22 percent of those questioned believe that the United States should step in militarily, should the State of Israel be in mortal danger from Arab attack.
Are Americans—from the halls of power in Washington to the grass roots—losing the will to exercise global leadership or intervene on behalf of endangered allies? If so, perhaps we are getting a preview that will answer the question many have been asking about where the United States is positioned internationally in the last days.
The Bible clearly teaches that Western Europe, under the Antichrist, will dominate the political scene when the events of the Tribulation period are played out. Just as definitively indicated is the fact that, in the final assault, “all nations [will be gathered] against Jerusalem to battle” (Zech. 14:2).
How far removed is the world from these events? Only the Lord knows, but such events do serve to sharpen our perspective of just how late it is.