The Essence of the Israeli-Palestinian Declaration of Principles

On August 31, 1993, the Israeli Government approved a draft declaration of principles designed to implement extensive Palestinian self-rule in the areas of Jericho and Gaza. These principles, which were officially adopted on September 13, 1993, envision the final implementation of a permanent agreement in other contested areas.

What the principles include:

  1. Based on the Camp David accords framework, they establish an interim Palestinian self-government arrangement that will extend over a five-year period.
  2. Permanent arrangements will be negotiated beginning the third year of the interim period.
  3. Elections for a Palestinian ruling council will take place approximately nine months after formalizing the agreement. The fields of education, health care, social services, direct taxation, and tourism will be undertaken by Palestinians immediately.
  4. A regional economic plan for the Middle East, including Israeli-Palestinian economic cooperation.
  5. Israel will redeploy its military forces to strategic areas and withdraw occupation administration from Jericho and Gaza within four months after the signing of the agreement.

What the principles do not include:

  1. Jerusalem, Jewish settlements, Israeli citizens, and military areas are excluded from the jurisdiction of the interim Palestinian authority. They will remain under Israeli authority. Basic defense against external threats and security for Israeli citizens and settlements will remain the responsibility of the Israel Defense Forces. Freedom of movement by Israelis on roads through Jericho and Gaza will be maintained.
  2. Israel will not compromise on the status of Jerusalem as Israel’s undivided capital, under Israeli sovereignty.
  3. The agreement does not imply, from Israel’s point of view, a first step on the road to the establishment of a Palestinian state. Israel favors a confederation between Jordan and those territories from which Israel may withdraw.

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