The Friends of Israel in Action Mar/Apr 2024

A Life Changed By Jesus
Every day, The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry’s (FOI’s) field representatives actively develop relationships with people around the world to share the love of Messiah Jesus. Often these relationships lead to meaningful conversations about the gospel. God uses our workers’ acts of kindness and friendship to change lives and awaken hearts among His Chosen People.

Kateryna (left) with field representative Tetiana Kritenko

Recently, Tetiana Kritenko, our field representative in Kyiv, Ukraine, shared a wonderful story of a life changed for God’s glory.

Tetiana has spent years serving a woman named Kateryna. Kateryna loves books, but her eyesight has deteriorated in recent years. So, Tetiana reads to her. Often she reads passages from the Bible.

As Kateryna’s eyesight worsened, Tetiana’s reading became an increasingly valuable gift. This genuine demonstration of Christian love connected the two women. Recently, Kateryna underwent eye surgery to improve her vision, though her recovery has progressed slowly.

One day, as they read together, Tetiana asked Kateryna if she could pray for her recovery and health. As always, Tetiana closed her prayer in the name of Jesus. Kateryna showed particular interest in Tetiana’s use of Jesus’ name and asked her why she prayed this way. As a Jewish woman, Kateryna was accustomed to addressing her prayers to God.

“At that very moment I realized the Holy Spirit had drawn her attention to Jesus,” Tetiana shared. “Though we had talked about Jesus many times, now she wanted to know more about Him.”

Beginning with Jesus’ instructions to His disciples to pray to the Father in His name (Jn. 15:16), Tetiana shared the gospel with Kateryna. With tears in her eyes, Kateryna came to understand that Jesus was her Messiah and the God of Israel, that He died to save her, and that He rose from the dead.

Though her physical eyes still did not function effectively, the eyes of Kateryna’s heart were opened to the truth that set her free from sin. Tetiana and Kateryna rejoiced and thanked God together for His great gift of Messiah Jesus and the sweet communion shared between them, Jew and Gentile, through Him.

You can support our Ukrainian team and other FOI ministries like this around the world. Thank you for your prayers and financial support!


In Canada, please give here.

Pizza and Providence in Pittsburgh
FOI field representative Jeff Berg and his wife, Arlene, have spent decades serving the Jewish people. They regularly volunteer at a Jewish nursing facility and assisted-living center, teach Yiddish clubs, and host Honor Israel nights to show their love for the Jewish people and the Jewish homeland of Israel.

Recently, the Bergs enjoyed a wonderful visit with their friends Rebekah, Miriam, Rabbi Joseph, and Karen. God’s direction was evident in their meeting.

Arlene and Jeff Berg

Jeff and Arlene had supported Rebekah, a devout ultra-Orthodox woman, during a significant trial in her life. Rebekah missed their company; so she made the trek from her home in Cleveland, Ohio, to spend time with the Bergs in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

The Bergs arranged for their local Jewish friends Miriam; Rabbi Joseph; and his wife, Karen, to join them. They met at the nearby Jewish senior-living center, where they noshed on kosher pizza and cookies.

During their conversation, Jeff and Arlene spoke about their commitment to raise funds to send an ambulance to Israel through Magen David Adom, the nation’s emergency-response agency.

The depth of the Bergs’ love and support for Israel astonished Miriam and Rebekah, who mentioned that they had never encountered anyone quite like Jeff and Arlene. Rebekah told them they were “not normal,” a sentiment Jeff and Arlene attributed to the transformative power of their faith in Messiah Jesus.

“The One in whom we believe has changed us and given us this love,” the Bergs told their friends.

For some time, Rebekah had pondered what set Jeff and Arlene apart. Once more, the Bergs pointed her toward the source of their love for the Jewish people, explaining that it was their unwavering faith in Jesus that made all the difference.

After the group finished the pizza and cookies, the Bergs eagerly shared their passion to teach Christians, particularly children, about the Jewish roots of their faith. When Jeff mentioned that he blows the shofar, a ram’s horn, in churches, Rebekah wanted to learn more.

Her curiosity was palpable. The intersection of Judaism and Christianity was unfamiliar to her, as her perception of Christianity had been skewed by stereotypes that failed to encompass the genuine love and respect the Scriptures compel Christians to have for the Jewish people.

In the end, their meeting was a testament to the sovereignty of our great God. Please pray that God will bring more Christians into the lives of Rebekah, Miriam, Rabbi Joseph, and Karen and open their eyes to the truth of the Messiah.

You can support Jeff Berg and others like him serving in North American Ministries. Thank you for your prayers and financial support!


In Canada, please give here.

Photos: The Friends of Israel Archives


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