The Millennial Temple

Soon after the Lord delivered the children of Israel from their bondage in Egypt, He gave Moses instructions to build the Tabernacle. The work was done according to God’s plan, and when it was completed, the glory of God dwelt in the Holy of Holies among His people. After several centuries, the Tabernacle grew old. David wanted to build a permanent dwelling for the Lord, but God would not per

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16 thoughts on “The Millennial Temple

  1. Have been a financial supporter of Israel
    My Glory for about 40 or 50 yrs..thank you for all of your fundamental Bible knowledge imparted to those who receive “Israel My Glory “..this online summary of Ezekiel was no exception

  2. What will the christians, who were raptured, be doing during the millennium? The 4th temple will not be just for the Jews, right? That is a troubling thought to me.

  3. As it relates to the sacrifices being simply a memorial action as is the Lord’s supper during the Church Age. We are commanded to have the Lord’s supper only until He comes. It will then be unnecessary for He will be present. Why then will Israel need to be reminded of that which they will have personally visible? They will have Him. In the New Jerusalem there will be no temple for He will be our temple. Rev 22.

    1. The people in Millenium are not perfect. They still have their free will to choose sides. Rev 20:7-8 says, Satan will be released and will go out to deceive the nations. Their numbers are like sand on the seashore. So, before Satan is released, these Millenium people need the rituals to remind them of Jesus sacrificial’s death for their salvation. Besides, the new generation born during the millennium, having spared from the tribulation, has a greater need to know about the commemorative sacrifices. There is no church or pastor to teach them the history of Jesus Christ on the cross.
      After the millennium (Rev22), there is no need for a temple because the sheep are finally separated from the goats, and satan is eternally no more.

  4. The Lord Jesus, The Righteous Branch has decreed that a Memorial is necessary for all the nations to remember His sacrifice through the presence of a Temple He will build, stated in Zechariah and through the actions and rituals of the priests he will appoint from both Jews and Gentiles. Isaiah tells us that in the Millenium, the Lord Jesus Christ will have priests chosen from both the Jews and some from the Gentiles.

  5. I have a question, if Jesus will be on Earth during the Millennial Kingdom, why would we need a sacrificial system to remind us of what he did? At the time the Israelites will look at the one they pierced and mourn as in repent. So why would they need a reminder with sacrifices?

  6. I would like to know who will occupy the land around Millennial Temple. Are they physical Israel descendants of 12 tribes.?. If so where do they come from ?. Are they spiritual Israel (gentiles) ?. If not what about us (non jews)

    1. Ezekiel and Zechariah and even Genesis mentioned the nation of Israel as the inhabitants of the lands between the great sea or Mediterranean sea and the Euphrates river.

      The rest of the world will be repopulated by survivors of the Tribulation of all gentile nations. Gentiles or at least their kings will have to travel to Jerusalem once a year to partake in the Feast of Booths or Tabernacles. This is also based on Noah’s prophecy about Shem and Japheth living under Shem’s tent. (See Ham’s sin story in Genesis.) Also read my previous reply to better understand the conditions the Millennial gentiles will live under.

  7. I understand the notion of looking ahead and looking back at the Sacrificial Work of Christ to explain the animal sacrifices that occur during the Millennium. However, how do you account for the prophecy of peace with all the animal kingdom and Isaiah specifically saying – “they will neither harm nor destroy on all my holy mountain,” (Isaiah 11:6-9)? Killing animals for sacrifice is certainly harmful and destructive.

    1. Those sacrifices had been demanded by the Lord so they are acceptable by nature. It is no case of destruction for there is no violence, no plunder, no arson, etc. There are just priests performing their godly job.

      Plus it is normal to keep symbols of what the Lord has done as illustrations. It helps them teach new generations of Jews and ignorant gentiles that will need to travel to Jerusalem once a year to partake in the Feast of Tabernacles. Keep in mind those gentiles cannot be compared with the Church. They won’t immediately become priests like we modern believers are, and that’s what actually entitle us nowadays to preach the gospel to the world thanks to Jesus Christ’s eternal grace. Once the Church is raptured, this pact will cease to exist as mentioned in Revelation when John describes how gentiles that repent during the 7 year tribulation will be executed by the sword (and any other modern weapon?). Yet, the New Testament revelations about Christ will be valid forever and ever.

    2. What does Revelation 21:22 mean? “I did not see a temple in the city, because the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are its temple”. This verse appears, to me, to contradict both Ezekial, the Millennial Temple will stand in the middle of the northern section of the new Jerusalem; and the presence of the Millennial Temple in Jerusalem at all.

      Thank you

  8. Great article. I really appreciate it. I had just read the book of Ezekiel and it caused me to wonder why sacrifices would be offered during the Millennial reign if Jesus’ death made temple sacrifices unnecessary. Your article pointed out that animal sacrifice was always just a picture of the real sacrifice of Christ and future Temple sacrifice is a reminder of the Real Sacrifice. This was a great help in understanding this. Thank you.

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