4 thoughts on “The Regathering of Israel”
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The face of our world is changing at an incredible rate. Armies moved through the Middle East packing a military punch never before witnessed on the face of the planet.
The time was 4:00 p.m. The date was Friday, May 14, 1948. A black sedan pulled up to the front of the Tel Aviv Museum. Out of the back seat emerged a short, white-haired man...
Just one short year ago, hope ran high that the decade of the 1990s would usher in world peace. The buzz words of the day were “Peace in our time.”...
One of the most debated questions of our day is whether or not present-day Israel is the Israel of the Bible. Menachem Begin, when he was Prime Minister of Israel, ran his government...
Christian Reconstructionism (the teaching of which has been examined in survey fashion in two previous articles) has some commendable features. For example, it has done excellent work in evaluating the devastating effects of secular humanism...
In Deuteronomy 20:1 it is written, “be not afraid ... for the Lᴏʀᴅ thy God is with thee.” Here in Israel, we are living in the light of this promise day by day...
There is a man who died and was buried in Israel when Jews had started to return in the late 19th century, whose name was “The glory of God” (if you translate it from the Arabic name by which he was known), and his teachings are available to the world. His life was comparable to the times of John the Baptist, and the Messiah Jesus. Is this a mere coincidence? Do you know about it ?
Greetings from Robert.
The final regathering began in 1948. The prophecy of Ezekiel 36-39 is a two-fold prophecy. First, Israel would be regathered back to the land outside faith. Beginning with the Gog/Magog campaign after the rapture but before the start of the Tribulation God begins restoring the people to a covenant relationship with Him. One of the purposes of the Tribulation is to lead Israel into acceptance of Jesus as Messiah. This will ultimately be completed at the revelation of Christ and all Jews will be permanently regathered to their homeland. Much is said, particularly among holders of replacement theology, that the Israel of today aren’t the Jews of that future day but that indicates God has made a mistake in restoring the wrong people to the land and it would violate His promises to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. God doesn’t make mistakes and not even He can break Scripture for it is His very word and by His name and word He swore on oath.
Ken hope all is going well and good to know you are still on the battlefield for our Lord.
Rockwood Missionary Baptist Church