The Seven Judgments

We live in a world where life moves on, sometimes with equanimity, sometimes with trouble. Unfortunately, many people think life moves on, comes to an end, and that’s it. That is not it! The Bible teaches that everything we say and do will one day be evaluated. Judgment Day is coming! But there’s not just one judgment; there are seven told about in Scripture. 1. Believers’ Sins at the

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15 thoughts on “The Seven Judgments

  1. This is really insightful! This aspect of biblical teaching and exposition is not known to many believers. I believe that this will help a believer to be purposeful in his work with Christ, knowing fully that there are rewards for his labour. And to the unbeliever this will bring to his notice the great danger awaiting him if he does not repent and accept Jesus as his lord and personal saviour.

  2. I appreciate this page very much. I believe 100% we can bring the Kingdom of Heaven to earth. Their are those who feel this is not possible. Maybe if we all could help 1 person at a time understand what happens on earth has not been our Lords fault it is Satan’s along with man’s, also believe & understand Jesus died on the cross for our Sins and to accept Jesus as our personal savior. Imagine living in paradise, no pain, no hunger, no fear, feeling the Lords love 24/7…. This is my hope for our planet. God Bless Everyone…

  3. We were discussing the judgements in a men’s class and this is very informative in that regards and helps to understand this to great lengths!

  4. Where does the parable of the wheat and tares (Matthew 13:24-30) fit in the judgments? The harvest of the wheat (believers) and tares (children of the wicked one) seems to happen at the end of the world, according to Jesus’ explanation of the parable to His disciples (Matthew 13:36-43).

    1. This is the Great White Throne Judgment. See in your own reference Matthew 13:36-43 that it is at the end of the world and people are being cast into the fire. If you are a believer then you are not the Wheat or the Tares. This is the judgment of the world, and you are in the world but you are not of the world. You are not the “Kingdom of Heaven”. Israel are the people of that and the gentiles are affected by Israel and in some ways saved through Israel. But not everyone in that time will believe in Christ even as he sits on the throne in Jerusalem.

      The short version is that if you accepted Christ already then you are the Church. The Church is the “Kingdom of God”, a spiritual kingdom. You will be judged at the Judgment seat of Christ, and you will be sad. But you will not die. You will be given a body like unto Christ and you will reign with Christ. You will judge with Christ. And when you see these being cast hell and death and Satan being cast into the lake of fire, you will be glad. but when you see these people being cast into the lake of fire you will be devastated by all they things you didn’t do to to convince people of the truth in the bible. You see your judgment isn’t for the sins you DID do. Jesus took that judgment for you on the cross. Your judgment is for all the people you didn’t tell about Christ. Your judgment has nothing to do with the wrong you did, and everything to do with the good you didn’t do. And when Christ burns the work of your life up… all the things of this world will burn away. But the souls of men will stand. And then you will see what all your work was actually worth.
      And then a long time later, about 1000 years… This Great White Throne Judgment will occur. And you will be judging with Christ that these “tares” must be cast into hell… and you will know everything you didn’t do to stop it. And that is why it says that God will wipe away every tear in Revelation 21 after the creation of the new heaven and new earth. Note that it is after the Great White Throne Judgment. After the destruction of the world. After all these people are forever lost in the lake of fire. You will be sad after this life if you don’t tell people about Christ. All your work for the things of this world will be burnt to ash. Only that work for the great commission will stand. But this parable… You need not worry for your soul if you are saved. Because this judgment isn’t for you. But it will break your heart if you kept your salvation to yourself.

      So get out there and share it. Love some people.

  5. So very well explained, learned much, also got me thinking about when I stand before God for my own deeds. We can take our salvation for granted.

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