The Tribulation and Millennial Temples

Since the early days of the Davidic kingdom, when David first had a desire to build a permanent dwelling place for the Lord, most Jewish people have longed for such a central place of worship. Although David was not permitted to build the Temple, his son, Solomon, did. That masterpiece of construction stood until the fall of Judah to Babylon, when it was destroyed and the Jewish people were either

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25 thoughts on “The Tribulation and Millennial Temples

  1. There is a lot that can be commented on in this article but did want to share that sacrifices could begin without what is being referred to as the Tribulation Temple. When the Jews returned from Exile they began sacrifices before the 2nd temple was restored.

    Ezra 3:3 -2 Then Jeshua the son of Jozadak and his brethren the priests, and Zerubbabel the son of Shealtiel and his brethren, arose and built the altar of the God of Israel, to offer burnt offerings on it, as it is written in the Law of Moses the man of God. 3 Though fear had come upon them because of the people of those countries, they set the altar on its bases; and they offered burnt offerings on it to the Lord, both the morning and evening burnt offerings.

  2. Ken my brother in Christ, you are confused and others who hold tenaciously to Augustine, Origen, Martin Luther, Zwingli, Calvin and others like them. The problem with most of those men who’ve taken it on themselves to scratch Israel name out of the Old Testament and pencil in the church are treading on dangerous ground. God is not a liar(Numbers 23:19)
    There will be a Rapture Of the church because the church has to be out of the way, so that God may purify Israel.
    There will be a Millennium where Messiah will reign for a thousand years and God’s jewels will be given preferential treatment for all they’ve suffered, especially during the Great Tribulation.
    All of the beautiful benefits Israel will enjoy has been promised by God, and people who are of the persuasion that Israel will not be blessed abundantly and above measure really don’t understand God’s ways.
    I can’t wait when Christ sets up His Kingdom and these naysayers see that Jesus was born Jewish and He still is, because Israelis are His brethren.
    These replacement theologians need to get over it. We the church? Are just grafted in and we should be thankful and gracious to the Jewish people for the Word of God. There isn’t any room for arrogance against the Jewish people. We are in the church age and we should be thankful to God for His mercy in allowing us into the commonwealth of Israel. Ephesians 2:12; Romans 9; 10; 11 requires prayerful special study under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

    1. It is Christians like Jennifer that the Church so desperately needs in these Last Days. Thank you Sister for that Concise explanation. The Preterist and Replacement Theologian are in error and need to repent before they meet the Judge.

    1. The rapture of the church is a Catholic creation. Ezekiel clearly said who is going to be in the millennial reighn. The martyrs that refused to take the mark, others that survived the tribulation, and the 144,000. And the rest lived not again until the 1,000 years was over.

      1. The rapture is not a Catholic creation. It was established long before the 1500’s by Paul the apostle (1Thes.4:13-17). Jude takes the proof even further in Jude:14 quoting Enoch, the seventh from Adam. If the Lord comes with His saints, His saints had to be with Him in heaven in order to come “with” Him. The rapture is the only answer.

      2. How can the temple of the Tribulation be the same as the temple in the millennium if the millenial temple won’t even fit until there are geographic changes that won’t happen till after the Tribulation?

    2. Acts 15:16-17 KJV – 16 After this I will return, and will build again the tabernacle of David, which is fallen down; and I will build again the ruins thereof, and I will set it up: 17 That the residue of men might seek after the Lord, and all the Gentiles, upon whom my name is called, saith the Lord, who doeth all these things.
      These verses are speaking of the Millennial temple that Jesus says here that “He will build” when He returns (speaking of His Second Coming to the earth (not in the air). The residue of men speaks of those remaining on the earth after the Tribulation Period.
      The “Tribulation” temple could be built before or after the rapture the scriptures don’t say.

  3. I thought that the Holy City and the new temple, God’s dwelling place, will be at the end of the Millennium, when the Heavenly City will decend from heaven. Not correct? Please leave Scriptures to back.

    1. The 4th temple, if there is actually a 4th (the Bible only specifies 3) is used at the beginning of the millennial kingdom, not the end. The prophecies contained in Ezekiel 40-48 make that perfectly clear. That section of Ezekiel is a description of the kingdom age.

      1. The passage in Daniel that was referenced indicates that the temple is cleansed and re-consecrated. This to me indicates that the millennial temple will be the same as the tribulation temple.

        1. It can be noted, when the Lord Jesus comes from heaven and descend on Mount Olivet there will be a massive earth quake which will split the Mount Olivet into two parts. The two parts shall move – one part to east and another to west as per Zechariah 14:4. Then the 3rd Temple that was there in Jerusalem shall definitely be destroyed (with the effect of the earth quake) and shall be no more of that Temple. Then the Lord Jesus prepares another Temple which shall be the 4th one.

    2. After this earth and heaven are destroyed,
      a perfect new heaven and earth will be created by God.

      In eternity those on the new perfect earth with no sin forever, there will be a portal to the the Fathers house in the new heaven and Vice versa.

    3. When Jesus returns to earth with his believers he will need a temple to rule and reign from for a 1000 years. Jesus will make this temple. He put all supporting scriptures from Ezekiel 40 to 44 at the beginning. Because there will be a mix of believers and un believers the Temple will have a place for sacrifices.

    4. my thoughts are: confusion between earthly temple for (jews) (told abraham “an everlasting covenant) (on this earth) -Genesis along with ez,zech
      and heavens temple (Christ) for (church) i go to prepare a place for you-the church -John 14

      heavenly city decends- Rev

  4. I did not see any mention of the Two Witnesses prophecying from the Temple court for 3 1/2 years. This is not an obscure reference. It seems to me there must be a temple for them as their subsequent deaths and ressurection will be viewed by the entire world.

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