The Voice of the Devil

It started in the Garden of Eden. His voice was soothing and persuasive; the objects of his intentions, receptive; and, as a result, we live today with some very regrettable consequences. I speak, of course, of the Devil in serpent’s clothing. His conversation in that leafy paradise was the introduction of incitement into the human experience (“the act of provoking to action, stirring up, or urging on”). The Luciferian brand of incitement used on our first parents was designed to provoke them to rebel against their Creator. Regrettably, it succeeded.

“And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die” (Gen. 3:4).

Satan’s direct challenge to the words of God followed the provocative question, “Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?” (Gen. 3:1).

Finally, the great deceiver got to the bottom line: “Ye shall be as God” (Gen. 3:5).

Thus came the introduction into the human experience of the big lie: You can have absolute liberty, live forever, and attain equality with the God of the universe. In other words, you can have it all!

Variations of the big lie forged in the Garden of Eden have been used for centuries to incite people to commit unspeakable atrocities.

Variations of the big lie forged in the Garden of Eden have been used for centuries to incite people to commit unspeakable atrocities. And, although we could provide hundreds of examples, none illustrates the point better or matches the naked viciousness of Adolph Hitler and his Third Reich.

We know well the awful story of the Holocaust, which some are trying to wish away as they attempt to chronicle positive aspects of what Hitler did for the German people. What we need to remember are the words from Hitler’s own mouth that incited seemingly normal people to maim, mutilate, and murder their fellow human beings in horrifically astonishing numbers.

Early in his infamous rampage, Hitler wrote, “Was there any form of filth or profligacy, particularly in cultural life, without at least one Jew involved in it?”1

“Hence today,” he raved on, “I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator; by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord.”2

Hitler’s anti-Semitic madness never abated. Hours before his suicide in a bunker in Berlin, he was still ranting against his target of choice, the Jewish people.

A centerpiece of the Führer’s overall strategy to build a Reich that would last 1,000 years was the Hitler Youth. He firmly believed that if he could capture the minds and unqualified loyalty of children, they would never escape his control. Deranged as he was, Adolph Hitler was not the first person, nor the last, to adopt such a strategy. It is inevitably catastrophic in its consequences—first for those incited to feel such hatred and then, of course, for the objects of their fury.

Regrettably, the Palestinian Authority is using the same tactic to incite children to a life of hatred and violence—a fact not reported to any significant degree by the Western news media. Textbooks in Palestinian schools are used as primers on how to hate and destroy Israel. Summer camps have been turned into indoctrination centers and training sites to teach the art of killing and the use of military weapons. Such indoctrination and incitement emanate from the top down and cannot be denied. Their words speak for themselves.

Yasser Arafat: “And they shall kill and be killed. Our blood is a small price to pay for the cause.”

An Islamic preacher in a service at a mosque: “They are the ones who must be butchered and killed. Wherever you are, kill those Jews and Americans.”

A Palestinian teenager: “Palestinian mothers bear their children in order for them to become martyrs.”

A 10or 11-year-old schoolboy:

“But if I starve, I will eat the flesh of my conquerors. Beware of my hunger and rage.”

A Palestinian preschooler telling her class: “Oh, my sister, sing constantly of my life as a suicide warrior.”

(All of these quotations came from official, Palestinian television footage or have been taped by other agencies. These tapes are available for confirmation of the above information.)

Once again we are reminded of the words of the late Prime Minister of Israel, Golda Meir, who believed that there will be no peace in the Middle East until the Arabs stop teaching their children to hate Jews. We agree.

If responsible leaders in the Palestinian community and Muslim world truly want peace and acceptance as peace-loving people, here’s a way to make a good start: End the radical Islamic incitement that trains children to search out and destroy people whom thugs and terrorists have marked for annihilation.

We have great empathy for the imagery of Rachel, the ancient daughter of Abraham, weeping for her suffering children. Today we also weep for the Palestinian Arab children who are being used and abused by their morally bankrupt leaders. If the rest of the Muslim world does not agree with such a tactic (it claims it does not), then it must step in and stop the incitement and violence. If it does not do so, the losers will be the Palestinian children who will be doomed to lives of frustration and violence. Muslims who genuinely want true peace will never be taken seriously or trusted fully in the Western world until they actively oppose radical Islamic terrorists who are listening to the voice of the Devil.

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