
Among the most difficult phases in the life of any Christian organization is the transition of leadership. We all, of course, recognize that it is a necessary yet sometimes hazardous undertaking. That time has come once again at The Friends of Israel. As of April 30, Elwood McQuaid will step down as the executive director of FOI. Elwood has served in this position for the past 12 years. To say the least, it has been an unparalleled time of growth and development for our worldwide ministry.

Serving alongside Elwood during these years has been Bill Sutter, a name familiar to most of our readers. Bill has been associated with The Friends of Israel since 1982. He was appointed as the executive vice president of the organization in 1996. In this position, Bill has become intimately familiar with all aspects of the operation.

Bill graduated from Faith Theological Seminary with a master of divinity degree and was ordained to the gospel ministry through his local church, Bethel Bible Chapel of Huntington Valley, Pennsylvania, where he and his wife, Annette, and their family have been active for many years. His service began with Philadelphia College of Bible and has since included a number of leadership positions with prestigious organizations.

For many years Bill has been active on behalf of The Friends of Israel in Christian circles and among members of the Jewish community. He is well known for his activities in support of Israel and in opposition to anti-Semitism. In fact, in recent years Bill has become a key figure in Jewish/Christian relations and is an outstanding spokesman for evangelical Christians in the Jewish communities in the United States and Israel. We know of no one in the evangelical world who is held in higher esteem by the Jewish community than our Bill Sutter.

For his part, Elwood is not leaving The Friends of Israel. He will continue to serve as editor-in-chief and as director of publications and media ministries. This will include the oversight of Israel My Glory and his continuation as host of radio and television productions. The new arrangement will give Elwood more time to devote to writing and international media ministry.

We want all of our friends to know that this is not a revolution but rather, an inevitable evolution in the leadership of FOI. The opportunities open to our work have never been greater. The staff has never been more cooperative and united. The credibility of The Friends of Israel has never been more recognized nationally and internationally. In short, we can say that we are strategically positioned as never before to meet the challenges of the new millennium.

We ask for your prayers, continued loyalty, and support for the ongoing work of the board, administration, and staff. For the past 12 years we have worked by the credo, “no surprises, no disunity, no deviation from the founding principles and practices of The Friends of Israel.” Bill Sutter and the entire staff are totally committed to this credo.

For The Friends of Israel, the future is as bright as the promises of God. We trust you share this conviction with each of us as we move forward together in the work of the Lord.

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