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Palestinian Christians have come out with a document against Israel. But it reads surprisingly like it was written by militant Islamists.
Dispensational Theology provides the best understanding of God’s Word and His plan for creation. Here are three important reasons why.
Replacement Theology crept into the early church and altered many things. In fact, you may unknowingly be living with some of those changes in your church today.
For the past 4,000 years, Satan has incited hatred and persecution of the Jewish people with the objective of annihilating them. This article explains why.
Christian Zionists have a deep commitment to Israel. Learn what motivates their love and how they are perceived by the Jewish community.
Having held to several varying theological positions in my years as a believer I can say that the assertions made by Dr. Emmons concerning dispensationalism are absolutely true. When I adopted this theological position approximately 15 years ago the word of God became easier to understand and to apply correctly. Reading God’s word in its literal sense has certainly led to a more grounded faith in God’s word and promises. Hence I can trust what He has promised to the church because what He promised to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, David and Israel has come to pass except for what is yet in the future and I know beyond a shadow of a doubt those future prophecies will be fulfilled just as they are written.