Who is a Jew?

For centuries, Jewish people have been asking themselves, “Who is a Jew?” Today a new wrinkle has developed, and it involves Christians. If a Jew is not a Jew, then who’s a Jew? Of late I’m told that I, a Gentile, am a Jew— are you one too? Now I’m confused! Will someone please provide a clue Who on Earth is a proper Jew?1 I am not confused. I know I’m Jewish, 99 percen

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13 thoughts on “Who is a Jew?

  1. Thanks for setting the record straight. Those of us not of Jewish descend should be more than grateful to have been grafted in. A Gentile saying they are Jew just because they become a believer in Jesus (or in whatever Westernized version of Jesus they were given) is a travesty! I love the Jewish people, pray for them and for Yehova’s plan for them but it has never crossed my mind for a second to think I’m a Jew just because I’m a believer in Yeshua ha Mashiach.

  2. I remember that a shoot was to spring from the stump of Jesse and a BRANCH of that shoot would produce the Messiah.
    This is not replacement but difference. The other branches gave rise to the people who live in Israel and in the diaspora who have an amazing destiny in the future.

    I follow Christ and have been told that one of my roots was in Ireland from Jews who escaped pogrom in Spain. I have loved the Chosen people since in childhood I learned that Jesus and Mary were Jews as well as Peter and Paul.

  3. First of all, let me establish my position that I subscribe to Premillennialism and Pretribulationalism. I do not subscribe to Replacement Theology, and I believe that Jesus will literally return to this earth and rule on the throne of David in Jerusalem for 1,000 years.

    I do have something to say about this article, and I quote below:

    “Give no offense, either to the [1] Jews or to the [2] Greeks [Gentiles] or to the [3] church of God.” The church and Israel are different.

    In the context of the scripture being quoted, this simply warns stronger Christians not to offend Jews and Greeks, and their own weak brother’s and sister’s in Christ when it comes to eating food offered to idols, for a strong Christian knows that the idols don’t exist, and it won’t defile him if he eats it. If you want to win over the Greek, the unbelieving Jew, and not offend the weak Christian, then one must refrain from eating the meat in front of them. It was in the Greek marketplace where this meat was sold after being offered in sacrifice.

    As far as referencing these 3 groups, they just simply cover all humanity and we must be careful to offend none. The Greeks (which represent the gentile world) believed in false gods, the Jews believe in the right God, but rejected the Messiah, and the church are those that believe in the right God and His Messiah, Jesus.

    I am not saying that God does not have a unique relationship and special plan for the Jewish people, but that stopped when they rejected Christ and will pick back up again during the Tribulation after the church is removed. In this age of grace, until Jesus comes again, whether you are an unbeliever (whether Jew or Greek), ALL must accept Jesus as Messiah NOW or be cast from His presence if you die without accepting Him. As far as the future when Christ returns, all the Jews, the remnant will be saved.

    I get the impression when reading IMG, because I never see it emphasized in the articles, that Jews won’t go to hell if they reject the Messiah here and now if they die without Him before His return. There is although in the articles much about honoring the Jewish people, past and present, but not enough about evangelizing them they will also die in their sins if they reject Jesus. Even Zvi Kalisher knew this and that is what his articles were all about.

    Please correct me if you think my impression is wrong.

    Thank you,

    1. Those, Jew or Gentile, who reject Jesus Christ as the Messiah and the Son of G-d, before the sound of the trumpet will spend eternity in hell. They will have heard the salvation message and will have had every opportunity to accept Christ as their personal Saviour just as the Gentiles will have. There will be those Jews and Gentiles who hear the 2 prophets and the 144,000 preaching the Word of G-d during the Tribulation that will STILL reject Him. It does not matter who you are, Jew or Gentile, rejection will earn you a trip to unspeakable horror, terror, pain, and cruelty unimaginable for eternity. I pity those who choose to reject Jesus Christ as Saviour.

      1. Thank you Kenneth. Although I agree with everything you say, the point of comment is that if the FOI truly are “Friends” of Israel, why are there not more articles about bringing the Gospel to the Jewish community in Israel? I am sure most people who read the magazine are Christians. I was curious as to how much of the financial support goes to sharing the Gospel. I mean, what is FOI’s point of supporting Israel as “friends” and providing articles about the great things the Jewish people are doing in Israel and for the world if the majority of them die without Christ? If someone at FOI would like to respond here or to my email provided, I would greatly appreciate it.


        1. James, may I remind you that we are told in scripture that the chosen people in general were blinded to the good news of Christ for the sake of the gentiles. If they had believed in the risen Christ in huge numbers, the gentiles would have been left with the idea that He had started just another sect of Judaism.
          Your love and concern pales into insignificance to that of Our Lord, let us each follow the Holy Spirit as we are called.

  4. Thank you brother Steve for your concise and well-written article. I believe that this issue is such a major source of confusion in the Church that it messes with our interpretation of the Scriptures on almost every level. Down here in Australia the problem of Replacement Theology is as widespread as it is in the USA. On the one hand we have those who believe in the traditional reformed view of Israel and the Jewish people where the Church is the new Israel. On the other hand we have the new replacement theology of the Messianic Movement, who in their passion to engage with everything Jewish believe that they are the fulfilment of the Kingdom age when Messiah will reign in the midst of His people NOW!

  5. Baruch ha Shem, thanks for the concise explanation of how Replacement Theology has infiltrated the church. I am a believing Gentile and most grateful for IMG and the information it provides to us who are lacking in understanding the Jewish roots of our faith. Would be nice if we could claim the blessings without the curses, but I don’t think that’s what Yeshua would support. (Psalm 122:6)

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