Biblical Studies/Theology

Wiser is Better

Heeding the voice of wisdom and experi- ence can prevent many a heartache. Solomon’s son Rehoboam learned that fact the hard way, but this article explains why you don’t have to.

Uzziah’s ‘Deadly’ Sin

History and literature often speak of the “seven deadly sins”: lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy, and pride. The Bible also lists seven sins and calls them “an abomination” to God: “a proud look…

Departed, to No One’s Sorrow

Good potential + bad choices = accomplishing little or nothing for God. But you can alter that equation. Read on!

The Inner Peril

Often it seems that the good kings of Judah had bad sons, and the bad kings had good sons. Most noteworthy of this perplexing phenomenon were good King Hezekiah—undeniably one of the most spiritually virile…

From Sin to Mount Moriah

God’s purposes are not thwarted by our sin. God used Jacob’s stubbornness to raise up the 12 tribes of Israel. He used Israel’s failure under the theocracy in the time of the judges to bring…

Avoiding the Sinkhole

Well begun is half done,” says the old adage. But we should be dedicated to finishing strong. The apostle Paul ran the race of life in order to win the prize (1 Cor. 9:24).

Christ is Superior to Moses

Hebrews 3:1–19: Moses is a dominant figure in Israel’s history. Of all the Old Testament leaders, there is none greater. He is described as “the man of God” and “the servant of the Lᴏʀᴅ” (Dt. 33:1; 34:5).

God Is Moral Part Eighteen

The Bible records several examples of people who were victims of reviling, abusive speech. The prophet Jeremiah was one. His enemies said, “Come and let us devise plans against Jeremiah…

Goodbye, Eli

Eli was basically a good man. However, God pronounced a terrible judgment on his house, and for good reason. Something had gone wrong, and Eli was not diligent to rectify it.

God’s Precious Promises

God has always kept His promises. And the prima facie evidence of His faithful- ness is the experience of His ancient cove- nant people, Israel.

From Shepherd to King

God promised David the kingship over Israel. Yet it took more than 20 years for that promise to be realized. Born in Bethlehem of Judea, David was the youngest of eight sons

Eight Survive!

The great deluge of Noah’s day did not come without a warning from God. Today researchers studying catastrophic plate tectonics present a flood model that is nothing less than horrific.

The Superiority of Christ

Hebrews 2:1–18: In the midst of showing Christ’s superiority to angels, the author of Hebrews paused to apply what he had presented previously. He then warned and exhorted Jewish believers in Jesus—the recipients of this letter…

God Is Moral Part Seventeen

The previous article examined the biblical view of two types of negative speech: lying and false witness. Now we will observe what the Bible says about other types of negative speech.

Israel: Still the Apple of God’s Eye Part Two

Many people who become Christians still struggle in their faith and have an inability to trust God earnestly. Mankind in general has a problem trusting God. Israel is no different.

His Shepherd Cyrus

World history is boring!” Did you ever hear such a thing? I know I did. Why learn the names of people and places you never heard of? What difference does it make?

The High Price of Disobedience

Samuel’s sons did not walk with the Lord. Therefore, the people wanted a king who would rule over them and fight their battles (1 Sam. 8:19–20). They wanted to be just like other nations.

Bound for Babylon

Tell 10 Jewish people they are the Chosen People of God and at least half will reply, “I wish He had chosen someone else!” While such an example of Jewish wit is amusing…

The Preeminent Christ

Hebrews 1:4–14: No chapter in the Bible presents such a full picture of the deity of Jesus Christ as Hebrews 1. After completing His earthly ministry, Christ was restored to the dignity and glory He possessed in eternity past…

God Is Moral Part Sixteen

The Bible indicates that human speech can have powerful influence. Proverbs 18:21 states, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit.” In other words..

Security in Salvation

Just as you must have a plan to achieve your goals in life, so also God has a plan. From the world’s foundation, God’s goal to glorify Himself included a plan to redeem lost humanity.

The Bottom Line

The apostles Peter and Paul had much to say regarding submission to governmental authority, employers, and spouses. But the underlying point—the bottom line—is that all people, particularly believers, should willingly and readily submit to God.

Our God Cares 1 Peter 5:1–11

The Lord of the universe knows everything about you, including your needs. This excellent article explains how you can depend on Him because He is the perfect CARE-giver.

The Incomparable Christ

Hebrews 1:1–3: Hebrews is without question one of the greatest and most important books in the New Testament. In it the writer presented an in-depth study of both the deity and humanity of Jesus the Messiah…

God Is Moral Part Fifteen

Our earlier study noted that God is a personal being, possessing intellect. As such, He thinks. In His Word, God refers to His thoughts and indicates they are different from and higher…

Jonah’s Rancor

Jonah 4:1–11: If we were writing the book of Jonah, how would we end the story? We’d probably have Jonah rejoicing over being restored from disobedience, rescued from the belly of a fish…

God Is Moral Part Fourteen

In two previous articles concerning morality, we observed biblical descriptions of various types of eyes that reflect the moral condition of a heart. After examining one more type, we will consider two…

Critical Issues Facing Today’s Churches Part Two

A critical question believers must ask themselves today is, “What is the nature, purpose, and function of the church?” To reach the unsaved, must the church conform to the world’s concept…

Nineveh’s National Revival

Jonah 3:1–10: The Bible abounds with accounts of God’s judgment. In His righteousness and holiness, He destroys both individuals and nations that are saturated with sin. But He also tells us plainly, “I have no pleasure…

God Is Moral Part Thirteen

In our previous article we noted that biblical descriptions of various types of eyes indicate that eyes reflect the moral condition of a heart. The first type we observed was the “evil eye,” which reflects…

Two Great Days, Two Great Doctrines

If you’re interested in learning the exact differences between Israel and the church, this amazing outline is just what the doctor ordered.

At the Beginning

Some people don’t believe the church began at Pentecost. But it certainly did. And its birth is the result of a single, major event that changed history forever.

Building on the ‘ROCK’

In 1866 Samuel J. Stone penned the words to the great hymn of the faith “The Church’s One Foundation.” The opening words make a powerful statement about the church and its mission: “The church’s…

The Glory That Awaits

The church won’t be here forever. In fact, it has a future that unfolds like a symphony, with four distinct movements—all of them magnificent!

Jonah’s Prayer and Promise

Jonah 1:7—2:10: In February 1891, the crew of the whaling ship Star of the East harpooned a sperm whale. In its death throes, the whale swallowed a man by the name of James Bartley. A day…

God Is Moral Part Twelve

The Bible reveals that our eyes have great moral significance and, therefore, are of concern to God. They are the primary organs by which we receive knowledge and…

El Shaddai: The Angel of the Lord

We have seen that El Shaddai is the person of the Godhead whom people can see and still live. In Genesis 18 He came to Abraham, looking like an ordinary…

The Lie

Did you ever become angry with God because you asked for something He did not give you? Then perhaps you’ve bought into the biggest fairy tale of all.

Facing the ‘Lion’

The lions of Tsavo devoured men. Fierce and stealthy, they showed complete contempt for people, except as food. We, too, face a vicious adversary. And here are our keys to victory.

What’s in a Name? Everything!

How Satan is portrayed in any generation largely depends on how seriously he is taken by the prevailing culture. Today’s culture, with its cynical bent, appears not to take him too seriously. In a recently…

David and the Adversary

Many believers are unaware of the magnitude of the spiritual war that goes on all around us. Satan and the forces of darkness are waging a vicious battle against God, the Jewish…

Running From God

Jonah 1:4–17: God chose Jonah the prophet to deliver a divine message of impending judgment to the city of Nineveh. Upon receiving this call, however…

God Is Moral Part Eleven

Previously we examined evidence that showed a total human being (body and soul) comes into existence at the moment of conception. Thus an abortion at any time after conception involves the taking…

One God, Three Entities Part Three

The Old Testament often describes people’s encounters with the Lord in human form and how those experiences helped them come to know Him on a personal basis. Examining some of those passages…

The Roots of Replacement Theology

What in the world happened to make Christians believe they are the “new Israel”? The answer does not flatter the early church.

A Look at the Big Picture

Satan is at war with God. And if you can understand this war, you’ll understand the entire drama of human history.

The Essentials of Dispensationalism

What makes a dispensationalist? Dr. Charles Ryrie, former president of Philadelphia Biblical University, professor emeritus at Dallas Theological Seminary, and author of more than 30 books, answers this question in a newly…

God’s Glorious Grace

God’s grace comes to us in many forms. Each has a special purpose, and each provides a particular blessing.

So Near and Yet So Far

Can a person grow up in a Christian home, hear the gospel every week, and still not be a Christian? Absolutely, as Marshall’s fascinating story will reveal.

The Disobedient Prophet

Jonah 1:1–3: The book of Jonah is probably the best known of all the Minor Prophets. What child has not heard the story of Jonah who was swallowed by a huge fish? The prophet’s…

God Is Moral Part Ten

In the previous article we saw that the real issue in the heated debate concerning the morality of abortion is this: At what point does the human offspring have a human soul and, therefore, become a personal

One God, Three Entities Part Two

In his 13 basic principles, renowned Rabbi Moshe Ben Maimon (1135–1205), also known as Maimonides and the great Rambam, replaced the Hebrew word ehad (“one”) with yahid (“only one”) to describe…

God Is Moral Part Nine

The previous article demonstrated that infanticide (the willful, premeditated killing of an infant at birth or afterward) is an abomination that God hates and that provokes Him to anger. It fits…

God Is Moral Part Eight

Our previous article showed that, historically, governmental law and the Bible regard murder as the willful, premeditated killing of a human being by another. In light of this truth, an issue that must be addressed…

Chai, Chai, V’Kayam Conclusion

Growing up I always loved to dance the hora, a Hebrew folk dance that was stomped to merrily while singing “Hava Nagilah.” We also danced to another Hebrew song. The words go like this: Dovid…

God Is Moral Part Seven

Previously we examined five ways in which God revealed that murder violates and perverts His moral absolutes and fixed order of moral law. The fifth way was through God giving Israel the following…

Chai, Chai, V’Kayam Part One

Look! Up in the sky! It’s a bird. It’s a plane. It’s a superhero who was killed and came back to life then was killed again and came back to life then killed someone else…

In Exile for the Word

John, the apostle and pastor of the church in Ephesus, was exiled to the island of Patmos in A.D. 95, according to church historian Eusebius. It was here that the book of Revelation—the final…

The Truth About the ‘Synagogue of Satan’

What did the Lord mean when He used the words synagogue of Satan in His revelation to His beloved apostle John in Revelation 2:9 and 3:9? The Greek word translated “synagogue” literally means…

Who Are the Church ‘Angels’?

Who are these “angels”? The Greek term aggeloi means “messengers.” Each of the seven messengers was assigned to one of the seven churches, and each received Jesus’ remarks to his church. Are they heavenly “spirit-messengers,” as the term is usually used? Or are they human messengers?

Hold Fast Revelation 2:18–29

All eyes were riveted on the television monitor in the lobby as a second plane slammed into the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. The previous night, a guest speaker at Friends of Israel’s…

God Is Moral Part Six

Earlier parts of our study examined sexual violations and perversions of God’s moral absolutes and fixed order of moral law. Now we will begin to examine another violation and perversion of those moral…

The Perfect Triad

If I had a dollar for every time I’ve heard that the Israelites made it through the Red Sea because it was low tide or because they “knew where the stones were,” I’d be rich…

God Is Moral Part Five

An earlier part of our study indicated that, when God created mankind as male and female, He revealed the fixed, inflexible, moral order that He established for human sexuality. That order…

The Two-for One Deliverance Conclusion

While I was taking a boat tour of a recreational lake in Western New York years ago, my guide pointed to a magnificent home gracing the water’s shores. It dwarfed the smaller, more modest…

God Is Moral Part Four

In Romans 1 the apostle Paul addressed the ultimate cause of the breakdown of morality and order in Gentile society in ancient times: the rebellion of human beings against the sovereign…

The Two-for-One Deliverance Part One

More than 20 years ago I had a friend whom I’ll call Jill. I telephoned her one afternoon, and her husband answered. “She can’t come to the phone,” he said. “She’s up…

God Is Moral Part Three

The previous article examined two types of sexual violations and perversions of God’s moral absolutes and His fixed order of moral law. Here we will examine five more such violations. Bestiality. The American…

Mary Magdalene: Setting the Record Straight

Seventeenth-century philosopher Joseph Hall once said, “A reputation once broken may possibly be repaired, but the world will always keep their eyes on the spot where the crack was.” How true. Worse yet…

God is Moral Part Two

The previous article concerning God presented implications for mankind concerning the fact that God is a moral being. It indicated that God created humans in His image as moral beings.

Just Like Jezebel Conclusion

What does it take to convince someone that he believes a lie? Cold, hard facts? A visible, bona fide, supernatural occurrence? Sometimes even these don’t work. They didn’t work with Jezebel even after the greatest

Conquering Spiritual Paralysis

Have you ever thought God let you down? Perhaps you’re simply looking at things the wrong way, as Gideon did before he fought the Midianites.

Jephthah: Faithful but Flawed

Jephthah was the man of the hour to deliver Israel, going from outcast to tribal chief. But when he was on top, a grave error cost him dearly.

Jephthah’s Vow: Did He or Didn’t He?

For centuries scholars have debated the fate of Jephthah’s daughter. Did Jephthah sacrifice her as a burnt offering (Jud. 11:31) because of a foolish vow he made to Jehovah, or did he constrain…

The Samson Syndrome

Millions of Americans are experiencing the “Samson Syndrome.” Nearly 20 million have purchased Rick Warren’s book The Purpose-Driven Life, attesting to the fact that this generation desperately seeks purpose and meaning.

God is Moral Part One

An earlier part of our study noted that God created the universe with a twofold, fixed, unchanging, inflexible order. That order conforms to and embodies the ultimate wisdom that God created and used to…

Just Like Jezebel Part One

Mike Wallace of 60 Minutes fame has never been my favorite television reporter. He always seems a little too arrogant—too sure of himself. But after the Pentagon and World Trade Center tragedies of 9/11…

Jewish and Christian Tradition Get It Right

The biblical explanation of the origin of man and the world around him should satisfy Jewish people as well as Bible-believing Christians. Yet some in both groups reject the Genesis creation account.

The Truth About Creation

Modern science is almost completely com- mitted to evolution. But the bona fide data shows the theory is definitely fiction, not fact.

A Special Kind of Miracle

There is one special miracle of creation that God still performs today: “If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new” (2 Cor. 5:17).

Turning ‘Greeks’ into ‘Jews’

The Jewish people of old knew much more about God than did the pagan Greeks. Learn what it takes today to reach the new pagans with the truth.

The Table of Nations After the Flood

The Table of Nations (Gen. 10:1–32) is the first part of the fourth section of the book of Genesis (each section is introduced by the word toledot, “this is the genealogy of”).

God and Wisdom Conclusion

The previous article described two wisdoms, or world-life views, that oppose each other concerning issues in modern-day society. One wisdom, or view, has as its foundation and starting point the revealed knowledge of the personal…

Hannah and the God Who Hears Conclusion

I had been a Christian only two years when a dear friend gave me a book titled Hinds’ Feet on High Places by Hannah Hurnard. “It’s wonderful,” she said. “You’ll love it.”

God and Wisdom Part Two

The Scriptures indicate that the revelation God has given to mankind is wisdom. The statutes and judgments that God gave…

Hannah and the God Who Hears Part One

Our greatest tragedies in life sometimes produce our greatest triumphs. And when our answer more clearly than ever and to use our sorrows to draw us infinitely closer to Him. I know from firsthand experience. After…