Human Interest

Answering the Call

Two millennia ago, God sent His Son, Jesus, on a mission of redemption that Jesus successfully completed on the cross at Calvary…

Elwood McQuaid: In Loving Memory

For each generation, the Lord raises up the right leader for the times. That was certainly true of Elwood McQuaid…

Conquering our Kvetching

My beloved mother was a five-star kvetch. This Yiddish term describes a habitual complainer—and my mother was…

Why Do You Love Israel?

Picture this: A Jewish man who has embraced Jesus as his Messiah waves the flag of Israel and sings…

Meet AI Jesus

“Welcome, my children! I’m AI Jesus, here to answer your questions 24/7. Whether you’re seeking spiritual guidance, looking for a friend, or simply want…

Virtual Reality Goggles

Dying to Live

Marcus is dead. His lifeless body lies on a hospital bed. The doctors attending him look down on his corpse. Only minutes ago they were busily monitoring his vitals…

Billboard depicting Rabbi Schneerson

‘Moshiach Is Here!’

“I believe with perfect faith in the coming of the moshiach [Messiah], and though he may tarry, still I await him every day.” So states the Jewish sage Maimonides’…

Antique fountain pen on parchment.

From the Editor May/Jun 2023

The Lord has been gracious to The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry (FOI) as we seek to proclaim biblical truth about Israel, the Messiah, and God’s Chosen People…

Doing the Right Thing

Within hours of Buffalo Bills safety Damar Hamlin’s midgame cardiac arrest in January, sports writers, reporters, and analysts around the country prefaced their remarks with…

Antique fountain pen on parchment.

From the Editor Mar/Apr 2023

Publishing is an interesting industry. We must do everything very far in advance to meet our deadlines. I’m writing this column on December 2, 2022, but you’re reading…

Christian Persecution Nov/Dec 2022

A 28-year-old Christian in eastern Uganda has died from head injuries sustained in an attack by Muslim extremists in July…

Christian Persecution May/Jun 2022

Islamic extremists stopped an evangelist in Uganda on his way to participate in a debate about Christianity and Islam and beat him…

Silhouette of man speaking.

We Lost a Mensch

If you’ve ever been called a mensch, consider it a great compliment. The Yiddish word is used to describe someone of noble character…

Christian Persecution Nov/Dec 2021

As the world watched videos and images of people trying to escape the Sharia regime the Taliban is imposing in Afghanistan…

A Conversation with Joel Rosenberg

As part of The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry’s mission to teach about Israel and the Jewish people, our North American…

The Real Friend of Israel

Many Americans are still reeling from the results of the 2020 presidential election. According to two surveys, between 76 and…

A Letter to My Dad

Another Father’s Day is just around the corner. My dad passed away in 2008; and at age 97, my mom still misses him. Perhaps that was why she showed me…

From Death to Life

Population 4.18 million. Situated like a jewel by the beautiful Mediterranean Sea, it beckons to tourists from around the world to enjoy its nonstop nightlife…

Three Spiritual Journeys

I was born into a Christian home and grew up learning about God and His Word. As an 8-year-old in summer Bible school…

Until We Meet Again

It is with both sadness and joy that we announce the homegoing of our dear friend and coworker, Bob Duarte, who entered the presence of the Lord…

Inside View Jan/Feb 2021

Have you ever wondered if you would be willing to risk your life to save someone else? Many Europeans faced that decision during World War II…

Silhouette of man speaking.

Abuse of Power

The moment I saw Minneapolis Police Officer Derek Chauvin pressing his knee on the neck of George Floyd as Floyd lay facedown, cuffed, and breathless, I knew…

Christian Persecution Jul/Aug 2020

April was a terrible month in Nigeria as Muslim Fulani herdsmen again attacked and murdered Christians, including children…

Inside View May/Jun 2020

A good friend of mine who is Jewish once told me Jewish history in Christian countries follows a pattern. Initially, Jewish people are welcomed…

Christian Persecution Mar/Apr 2020

CHINA—As more government officials in China are empowered to close churches and a “social credit” system threatens to…

History in a Minor Key

The air was cool, a hint of dampness pervading it. I stood huddled with my Jewish friends. In front of us lay a massive mound of gray ash…

Nightmare and Blessing

I recently had a horrible dream. I was lost, very far from home, and nothing looked familiar. I felt anxious, afraid…

Christian Persecution Sep/Oct 2019

Widespread evidence shows that “today, Christians constitute by far the most widely persecuted religion,” according to an interim report…

Christian Persecution Jul/Aug 2019

HYDERABAD, India—Christian persecution has grown much more severe in India, and tribal villagers are being taught that Christianity is anti-Indian…

Christian Persecution May/Jun 2019

EGYPT—A Christian mother who was kidnapped and tortured in Egypt for her faith now fears for her daughter and her pastor-husband…

Who is a Jew?

For centuries, Jewish people have been asking themselves, “Who is a Jew?” Today a new wrinkle has developed, and it involves Christians…

A Look at Life in Israel

Many of our readers have asked us what life is like in Israel, especially for Jewish believers in Jesus. So we asked Meno Kalisher to answer a few questions for us…

The Great Divide

Why should Israelis and American Jews see eye to eye? Americans and Israelis are not alike. They have different concerns, interests, lifestyles, and even a different calendar…

Israel’s Broken Political System

Many Americans scratch their heads trying to figure out Israel’s political system. Here’s an overview of it from someone who truly understands it…

Helping Israel’s Lone Soldiers

What do you do when you have no place to go for Shabbat? That’s when the Lone Soldier Center in Memory of Michael Levin becomes a lifesaver—in more ways than one…

Inside View Mar/Apr 2019

It was troubling to watch the video of Rafi’s Jeep going up in flames, the victim of an incendiary balloon launched in Gaza and carried by the wind into Israel. Within seconds, the entire Jeep was aflame…

Silhouette of man speaking.

What Lies Beneath

They say the tip of an iceberg represents only 10 percent of its volume; the other 90 percent sits quietly below the surface. April 2019 marks 130 years since Adolf Hitler’s birth in Braunau am Inn, the largest town in northern Austria…

Christian Persecution Mar/Apr 2019

EGYPT—The Egyptian government has rejected a proposed bill to remove the religious designation required on ID cards, reflecting the enormity of the discrimination…

The Hate That Won’t Die

A friend of mine told me a story recently that I think you’ll appreciate. A few years ago, her daughter Andi attended an event at Disney World that called for audience participation…

Jewish World Update Mar/Apr 2019

In response to the increasing anti-Semitic attacks in France, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has instructed Diaspora Affairs and Education Minister…

Inside View Jan/Feb 2019

I was sitting in a room with approximately 5,000 people last summer in Washington, DC, listening to then U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley. She delivered a remarkable speech that reflected on her year and a half at the UN…

Silhouette of man speaking.

Big Shoes to Fill

Nikki Haley’s departure as U.S. ambassador to the United Nations elated the political Left and saddened those who love Israel. In less than two years, Haley set a new American standard that leaves her successor with big shoes to fill…

Christian Persecution Jan/Feb 2019

PAKISTAN—Authorities in Lahore, Pakistan, continue their refusal to arrest the Muslim hospital officials who killed an innocent Christian man, Sunil Saleem, more than eight months ago…

Jewish World Update Jan/Feb 2019

Pro-Israel students at Columbia University in New York City recently hosted a protest against the school’s “pervasively hostile environment” toward Zionist students…

Christian Persecution Nov/Dec 2018

IRAN—“We told them many times that Jesus is our Lord and you cannot take Him away from us,” Iranian Christian Marziyeh Amirizadeh told the audience at the recent Ministerial to Advance…

Jewish World Update Nov/Dec 2018

“Holocaust memory and Jews are under attack [in Europe],” said Elisha Wiesel, commenting on the recent desecration of the childhood home of his late father, renowned…

Map of the Middle East.

U.S. Quits UNHRC ‘Cesspool’

After more than a year of warnings, the Trump administration has followed through on a pledge to withdraw the United States from the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC), calling it a “cesspool of political bias…”

Christian Persecution Sep/Oct 2018

INDIA—India’s Jharkhand state has recently become the sixth state in India to implement a new, draconian “anti-conversion” law that authorities are using to target and imprison Christians under the false accusation of trying to forcibly convert people…

Joseph in His Egyptian Context

Some Bible critics claim Joseph was the invented hero of an Ancient Near Eastern (ANE) literary drama written years after the purported event. But ancient Egyptian records support the biblical account…

Jewish World Update Sep/Oct 2018

“You are the ammunition for Hamas’s guns; you are the warheads for its missiles,” Israel’s UN Ambassador Danny Danon told the UN General Assembly when it recently condemned Israel for…

Antique fountain pen on parchment.

From the Editor Jul/Aug 2018

Some things seem almost too absurd to be true. But life is filled with absurdities when it comes to Israel. Do you see the ladder in the photo below? It has leaned against the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem for at least 150 years…

Inside View Jul/Aug 2018

I recently had the privilege of spending several days in Israel with new Jewish arrivals to the land. They varied in age from teens to older adults, but the same theme defined their testimonies. They had an innate desire to return to the land…

Silhouette of man speaking.

Freedom of Speech?

Josh Blackman, a law professor at South Texas College of Law and frequent guest lecturer on college campuses, found himself the object of protest at City University of New York (CUNY) School of Law earlier this year. Professor Blackman was…

Map of the Middle East.

The Emerging Realignment

Saudi Arabia recently granted Air India permission to fly over its territory on new routes to and from Israel. The decision to open Saudi airspace to commercial jets bound for the…