Seven Minutes with the Director

To say that we are living in perilous days is no longer newsworthy or shocking. Honest and informed men realize that the planet Earth is coming unglued. Traditional foundations are no longer eroding…

And They Shall Know!

“My greatest personal concern is what the Russians are doing under the table about all of this.” These words were spoken to me by a well-known Israeli government official shortly after Anwar Sadat’s historic visit to Jerusalem.

The Four Horsemen are Coming

Every informed Christian should view the future with an attitude of ultimate optimism. Of all earth’s peoples, they alone have “. . . an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fadeth not away…


This glossary is not exhaustive. Many prophetic terms, because of space considerations, could not be included.

Seven Minutes With The International Director

The year 1979 is tumbling uncontrollably toward its end. For America, it was anything but a good year. Nor does 1980 hold out hope for a new horizon of opportunity and change.

World Crisis and The Millennial Kingdom

For centuries poets, novelists and musicians have written and sung about a “golden age” – or kind of “Utopia” when the problems, pains and conflicts of this world will disappear and all will be happiness and peace.