Armed for Armageddon or/When Will The Lamb Come For His Own?

There are a growing number of Christian “survivalists” in our country claiming that the Church of Jesus Christ must go through the Tribulation. However, it should be noted at the outset that not all post-tribulationists…

VIEW FROM OLIVET second coming & the kingdom

It was near the conclusion of His earthly ministry that Jesus confirmed the certainty of a future kingdom upon the earth. Intertwined with that truth was the promise that He himself would return to establish and maintain this earthly kingdom…

God and Satan In Conflict Through The Ages

The battle lines have been drawn. God and Satan are in conflict. The sphere of that conflict is Heaven and earth. The subjects of that conflict are angelic and human. The outcome of the conflict is certain.

He’s Got The Whole World…

There comes a day among men and nations when the cup of iniquity is filled full — when the mercy of God repeatedly flaunted issues in the judgment of God (Gen. 6:5-7; Jer. 9)

The Purging of Planet Earth

The Apostle John had both a unique opportunity and a heartrending experience as he watched God’s prophetic program of redemption for mankind brought to its culmination.


Holocaust, Just the word strikes terror in the hearts of millions as they recall the television documentary by that name. Paraded before their eyes was a destruction of people unparalleled in the annals of human history.

The Last Blasphemer

The world is searching for a leader. After centuries of confidently striding toward a day when humanity could deliver all of the systems necessary for a Utopia, man is crying for help.

Triumphal Re-Entry

On Sunday, April 6, 32 A.D., the Messiah rode into Jerusalem on a donkey. That event has come to be called “The Triumphal Entry”, and is celebrated annually on Palm Sunday.

The Time of the Gentiles

“The times of the Gentiles” is the biblical designation for a period of time beginning with the Babylonian Captivity (606 BC) and ending with the physical return of Christ to the earth at the end of the Great Tribulation.

Seven Minutes with the Director

To say that we are living in perilous days is no longer newsworthy or shocking. Honest and informed men realize that the planet Earth is coming unglued. Traditional foundations are no longer eroding…

The Four Horsemen are Coming

Every informed Christian should view the future with an attitude of ultimate optimism. Of all earth’s peoples, they alone have “. . . an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fadeth not away…

World Crisis And The Second Coming of Christ

One of the most exciting studies in Scripture is the Second Coming of Christ. This topic is the most written-about doctrine in the Scriptures. In fact, there are twice as many verses on the Second…