A Nation is Born in the Holy Land

The following editorial, which ran in The Philadelphia Inquireron Saturday, May 15, 1948, was reprinted in Israel My Gloryin the June 1948 issue.

Last night a nation was born.

In harsh travail was it brought forth, and amidst the agonies and terrors of war.

It was conceived in the cold courage of men and women unafraid to die for the cause of a free state in the hallowed land of their ancestors.

Its name is Israel.

What hardship and bloodshed the critical days ahead hold for this infant nation we know not.

We only know that it deserves to live, and that those who cherish freedom will not allow it to die.

Israel’s enemies rush to mantle her in blood and desolation even as her flag is first raised over Palestine’s embattled plains. But we may be sure the Jewish people will tenaciously defend the independence they have at length gained.

Here is a great historic event, one that is an inspiration to freedom-loving men everywhere. The British mandate ended, marking finis to the most tragic failure in the long history of British empire-making.

The circumstances of General Cunningham’s unregretted departure from Jerusalem were markedly different from those surrounding the triumphal entry of General Allenby thirty years before.

The world thrilled then at the retaking of the Holy City from the infidel Turks, just as Jews everywhere were to take bright hope from the grant of the Palestine mandate to the British with explicit provision for a national home for the Jews.

This is Israel, and we in America, whose liberties were gained for us only by sacrifice and bloodshed, are proud to salute the newborn democracy.

President Truman has taken the proper course in promptly according United States recognition to the new state. It is a cause for gratification that we should be the first great Power to take this important step.

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