3 thoughts on “A Tribute to Zvi”
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When I was reading the book of Obadiah awhile back, I felt it offered so many good principles for everyday living that I thought you might enjoy an entire issue on it. Many months later, as I was preparing...
History is replete with small nations that strut across the world stage, proudly flex their political muscles, and then vanish into obscurity. Edom was such a nation, and its story was...
Obadiah 1–4: When the apostle Paul wrote to his young protégé Timothy to tell him how to pastor the church at Ephesus, he cautioned him not to give too much responsibility to...
Obadiah 5—9: Most Americans remember where they were on 9/11. We remember our vulnerability; our politicians singing together on the Capitol steps in Washington, DC; the national prayer...
Obadiah 10—14: Imagine having to sleep with a gun under your bed. I am not talking about Detroit, New York, or Philadelphia. I am talking about Haifa, Tel Aviv, and Jerusalem. This...
Obadiah 15–16: Have you ever seen someone revel in another’s misfortune or be smug and self-satisfied when sympathy was called for? There’s a saying, “What goes around comes around.” The Bible...
Zvi has been a great encouragement over the years here in New Zealand .
We host Isrealy’s here in New Zealand , tonight we had an Israeli girl tell his story to us which we already new
She shared with us that Zvi was her grandfather, that was such a blessing to us to have his granddaughter stay with us
I loved the story of Zvi as told by Elwood McQuade as well as the sequel. I have been in contact several times with Meno and appreciate their whole family.
I recall a banquet in Tulsa Okla
I had a Muslim friend with me that day . He was very impressed with Zvi. We attended OSU Oklahoma. My friend was of Jordan .
Later that year Said wanted to be sure about my Jesus.